Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

April 2008 Blog News (48)

Growl Voice in Ethnic and Pop Styles

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, March 31st to April 3rd 2004 (ISMA2004), Nara, Japan

Ken-Ichi Sakakibara1,2, kis@brl.ntt.co.jp

Leonardo Fuks3, leofuks@serv.com.ufrj.br

Hiroshi Imagawa4, imagawa@m.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Niro Tayama5,2… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 13, 2008 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Sarah Wallin: Tuvan Throat Singing and the Legend of the Horse Head Fiddle"

Sarah Wallin

Tuvan Throat Singing

and the Legend of the Horse Head Fiddle

At the geographical center of Asia, surrounded by the Altai-Sayan mountain system, lies the

country of Tuva. Fifty percent of its mountainous territory is covered with forests of firs, Siberian

larches, cedars, pines, and poplars. Four hundred lakes spot the region, many of which are glacial,

(though Tuva is also known for its warm, curative waters); and the Jenisej river,… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 13, 2008 at 2:00pm — No Comments

TSAI Chen-Gia: Kargyraa and Meditation

Kargyraa and meditation

Chen-Gia Tsai

Pipe model of a Kargyraa singer's vocal tract

The melody pitch f1 (the center frequency of the first formant) in Kargyraa voices is determined by the mouth opening. A perturbation method predicts the resonance shift caused by a bore enlargement at a position x0 of a pipe with a irregular geometry (e.g., Fletcher & Rossing 1991). During a performance of Kargyraa, the bore diameter of the vocal tract changes at the… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 12, 2008 at 11:00pm — No Comments

TSAI Chen-Gia : False vocal fold surface waves during Sygyt singing: a theoretical study

False vocal fold surface waves during Sygyt singing: a theoretical study

Chen-Gia Tsai

1. Introduction

Overtone singing is a vocal technique found in Central Asian cultures such as Tuva and Mongolia, by which one singer produces a high pitch of nF0 along with a low drone pitch of F0 (F0 is the fundamental frequency, n = 6, 7, ...13 in typical performances). The voice of overtone singing is characterized by a sharp formant centered at nF0.…


Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 12, 2008 at 11:00pm — No Comments

TSAI Chen-Gia: Physical Modeling of the vocal tract of a Sygyt singer

Physical Modeling of the vocal tract of a Sygyt singer

Chen-Gia Tsai

Source theory v.s. Resonance theory

Two types of overtone-singing should be distinguished: Sygyt and Kargyraa. In Sygyt performances, the rising tongue divides the vocal tract into two cavities, which are connected by a narrow channel, whereas the tongue does not rise in Kargyraa performances.

Up until now, two major theories have been proposed on the production of the… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 12, 2008 at 9:30pm — No Comments

TSAI Chen-Gia : Perception of Overtone Singing

Perception of Overtone Singing

Chen-Gia Tsai

Pitch strength

Voices of overtone-singing differ from normal voices in having a sharp formant Fk (k denotes Kh??mei), which elicits the melody pitch fk = nf0. For normal voices, the bandwidths of formants are always so large that the formants merely contribute to the perception of timbre. For overtone-singing voices, the sharp formant Fk can contribute to the perception of pitch.

A pitch…


Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 12, 2008 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, bio, Japan

NTT Communication Science Laboratories

3-1, Morinosato Wakamiya, Atsugi-shi,

243-0198, Japan

phone: 81 46 240 3657

fax: 81 46 240 4716

email: kis(at)brl.ntt.co.jp

Japanese version

Curriculum Vitae



Ken-Ichi Sakakibara

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information


Gender: male

Date of Birth: Feb. 11, 1968

Place… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 12, 2008 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Ken-Ichi Sakakibara & others:Observation of Laryngeal Movements for Throat Singing / Vibrations of two pairs of folds in the human larynx

First Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics, Cancun

[ Lay Language Paper Index | Press Room ]

Observation of Laryngeal Movements for Throat Singing

Vibrations of two pairs of folds in the human larynx

Ken-Ichi Sakakibara*1, Tomoko Konishi, Emi Zuiki Murano*2, Hiroshi Imagawa*2, Masanobu Kumada*3, Kazumasa Kondo*4, and Seiji Niimi*5

*1 NTT Communication Science Laboratories, 3-1, Morinosato…


Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 12, 2008 at 7:30pm — No Comments

TSAI Chen-Gia : Overtone Singing

Overtone Singing

Chen-Gia Tsai

* Perception of overtone singing

* Physical modeling of the vocal tract of a Sygyt singer

* False vocal fold surface waves during Sygyt singing: A hypothesis

* Kargyraa and meditation

The voice of overtone singing is characterized by a prominent formant. In this spectrum of a sound produced by a Taiwanese overtone singer, the 10th harmonic is stronger than its flanking…


Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 12, 2008 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Seiji ADACHI : The Secret of Throat Singing, 2000 Congress ASA, USA

Seiji ADACHI : The Secret of Throat Singing, 2000 Congress ASA, USA

Acoustical Society of America

140th Meeting / NOISE-CON 2000 Press Release






Melville, New York, November 1, 2000

What are some ways of solving the noise problems on the space station? How does liposuction… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 12, 2008 at 7:23pm — No Comments

TSAI Chen-Gia, Ph.D. Acoustics, Taiwan

TSAI Chen-Gia, Ph.D. Acoustics, Taiwan

Vocal fold vibration and singing

* Ultrasonic imaging of vocal folds

* Vocal fold vibration as sea waves on a porous seabed

* Overtone singing & high-frequency vocalization

* Growl voice & spine stability

Chen-Gia Tsai

Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Musicology

National Taiwan University, Taipei, TAIWAN



Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 12, 2008 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Theodore LEVIN Biography

Theodore Levin


PhD, MFA Princeton University

BA Amherst College

Theodore Levin is an ethnomusicologist whose research has focused on the traditional music of Central Asia, Siberia, and Slavic Russia. He is an active record producer, concentrating on folk music and classical music repertory from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. For five years he worked as an impresario in US-Soviet cultural exchanges and…


Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 12, 2008 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Leonardo FUKS : curriculum vitae

Leonardo FUKS : curriculum vitae

Curriculum vitae of Leonardo Fuks, Ph.D.

Leonardo Fuks,

born in 1962, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Address: Av. Osvaldo Cruz 112, apto. 801, Flamengo, 22250-060, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Rio de Janeiro - BRASIL

Telephone: + 55 (21) 5511582 ; Fax: +55 (21) 5514723

Undergraduate Education

* Mechanical Engineering - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ 1980-1987



Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 12, 2008 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Leonardo FUKS : biography

Leonardo FUKS : biography

at the lab with reed woodwindsfakir oboist (by L.F.)

Leonardo Fuks, PhD

Leonardo Fuks is a Brazilian engineer and musician who has just finished his doctoral thesis at the Department. His research project Breathing and blowing in the woodwinds: musical, acoustical and physiological aspects was supervised by prof. Johan Sundberg and supported by a CAPES grant. Back to Rio de…


Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 12, 2008 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Sven GRAWUNDER : bio and research interests

Sven GRAWUNDER : bio and research interests

Sven Grawunder, PostDoc Research fellow, speech scientist, phonetician, has been working at Department of Linguistics Max Planck institut for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI EVA),LEIPZIG, GERMANY.

Contact: grawunde@eva.mpg.de

Sven Grawunder

PostDoc research fellow

[speech scientist, phonetician]

Department of Linguistics

Max Planck Institut for evolutionary… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 12, 2008 at 6:30pm — No Comments


Sven Grawunder is a researcher on phonetics and sprechwissenschaft at Martin-Luther Universitat in Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Sprechwissenschaft und Phonetik. He wrote his dissertation

"Die Erforschung eines besonderen Stimmgebrauchs - Obertongesang vs. Kehlgesang"

in 1999 in Halle-Wittenberg, Germany and has studied the problem of overtones and undertones in throat singing .

Grawunder, Sven. 2003.

Comparison of Voice…


Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 12, 2008 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Nathalie Henrich, John Smith and Joe Wolfe: Harmonic singing (or overtone singing) vs normal singing

Harmonic singing (or overtone singing) vs normal singing

Harmonic singing shares techniques with diphonic singing, overtone singing, xoomi singing, sygyt singing, throat singing, Tuva singing etc. We explain some of the acoustics of this style of singing in terms of the measured acoustical response of the vocal tract. In this technique, the singer emphasises one high harmonic of the voice to such an extent that it is heard separately from the low pitched note being sung. Different… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 11, 2008 at 8:00am — No Comments

Michael EMORY : Khoomei - How To's And Why's

Khoomei - How To's And Why's

During the past year I have learned techniques of some throat-singing styles as practiced in Central Asia. With guidance from Maj. P.C. (Ret.), and access to his collection of vocal recordings from that part of the world, I have experienced fair success in executing the forms described below. The following is intended to offer instruction to anyone with interest and patience enough to learn a way to refine self-generated sound. Previous voice… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 11, 2008 at 7:58am — No Comments

Steve SKLAR: Types of Throat Singing with Tips /Tuvan Throat-Singing

Tuvan throat-singing, or Khoomei, is the area with which I have the most extensive experience. While I am familiar with other types of harmonic singing and chant, the main focus of this page will be Tuvan. You can find some information/links about other regions below.

All styles of Tuvan Khoomei involve controlled tension in and manipulation of the diaphragm, throat, and mouth. However, there are great differences between the different types of throat-singing; for example, some… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 11, 2008 at 7:30am — No Comments

BATZENGEL: Xöömij from Mongolia


There is a special vocal technique which has developed in Mongolia called xöömij (throat). It is sometimes referred to as the « jaw’s harp voice » and it is done by men only. It is a unique in that one singer produces two « voices » simultaneously. One of them is a prolonged droning of a fundamental vocal tone above which another melodic line with a whistle like quality is produced in a high register. By making the vocal chords tense and pressing the air through them… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 9, 2008 at 3:30pm — No Comments

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