Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

All Blog News (393)

17. Anniversary of OMN

Hi there,

I hope you are fine and everything will goes on.

Today I write you a short message, that on 14th July 2024 is the 17. anniversary of OMN. I am thankful, that you are member of this smart community and I like to invite you to share some of your newest or older videos, which you have shared maybe…


Added by Jens Mügge on July 13, 2024 at 6:50pm — No Comments


Nächste Obertonkurse in Wien:


16. und 17. März 2024
15. und 16. Juni 2024

nächste Konzerte (Händel-Arien mit Le Masque)

11. Mai 2024 in Sélestat
12. Mai 2024 in Straßburg

Ich freu mich auf euch!

Added by Julia Renöckl on February 12, 2024 at 4:32pm — No Comments

"Singularity" Jan Heinke Solo Album Release by A Ë R

"Singularity" Jan Heinke Solo published by A Ë R

"During Jan's short and serious illness, we, and by we I mean Ania…


Added by Jens Mügge on October 12, 2023 at 1:00pm — No Comments

'HARMONICS - 15 years of overtones'

Dear fellow Overtones, I just published my new album 'HARMONICS - 15 years of overtones', a vocal voyage of an hour and 20 minutes, 16 tracks of poliphonics for you! Enjoy: https://feelingsound.bandcamp.com/album/harmonics…


Added by Igor Olivier Ezendam on June 27, 2023 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

Timelessness #34

New meditation music by Simple Sounds for Thomas Radlwimmer's timelapse video. Enjoy!

Learn more about the project here: https://timelessness.radlwimmer.at/t-i-m-e-l-e-s-s-n-e-s-s-34

Visit Simple Sounds: www.simplesounds.dk…


Added by Skye Løfvander on May 19, 2023 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Support: Jan Heinke's Solo Album posthum

Today I send you a message to support Jan Heinke's Solo Album posthum.

Like you know, Jan Heinke left us on April 20th, 2022. Up until just a few days before his death he continued to play music on his self-developed Stahlcello. Just with your help two friends, Ania and Mats, will be able to release his solo album by supporting a…


Added by Jens Mügge on October 11, 2022 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Overtone Singing book launched soon

Hello everyone,

My book Overtone Singing - Harmonic Dimensions of the Human Voice will launch this autumn, around November. It is a thoroughly reworked version of my earlier book on Overtone Singing (subtitled Physics and Metaphysics of Harmonics in East and West). It summarises my 30+ years of research in this field as a vocalist and musicologist and discusses all…


Added by Mark van Tongeren on September 20, 2022 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

If You Recognize the Melody, You Are Exceptional.

This is the explanation why you hear or don't hear a melody in this sound. And it's basic for the understanding of overtone singing.

Added by Wolfgang Saus on August 15, 2022 at 7:48pm — No Comments

Aionigma receive Global Music Awards´ honors!

Overtone Singers Bernhard Mikuskovics & Gerhard Kowarz receive Global Music Awards´ honors with Aionigma for Outstanding Achievement! www.aionigma.com

Global Music Awards is a well-known international music competition which celebrates independent musicians. 

Global Music Awards is widely recognized by music insiders as giving legitimacy to highly talented artists.

Global Music Awards is recognized as music´s golden seal of…


Added by Aionigma on July 22, 2022 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

OMN was launched 15 years ago today

OMN was launched 15 years ago today. OMN blev lanceret for 15 år siden i dag. OMN a été lancé il y a 15 ans aujourd'hui.

Heute vor 15 Jahren wurde OMN gestartet. OMN è stato lanciato 15 anni fa. OMN была запущена 15 лет назад.

Společnost OMN zahájila svou činnost před 15 lety. Hoy hace 15 años que se lanzó OMN. OMN lanserades för 15 år sedan i…


Added by Jens Mügge on July 14, 2022 at 12:00pm — 5 Comments

Aionigma @ Radio Klassik Stephansdom

AIONIGMA @ Radio Klassik Stephansdom am 22.06.2022!

-> Das Interview zum Nachhören

Bernhard Mikuskovics und Gerhard Kowarz plauderten bei…


Added by Aionigma on June 23, 2022 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

Meïkhâneh's New Album "Chants du dedans, chants du dehors" - release June 10th 2022!

Meïkhâneh's new album Chants du dedans, chants du dehors (Songs from Inside, Songs from Outside) will be released on Buda Musique label with international distribution on June 10th 2022!

Five years after La Silencieuse (Cas Particuliers/Buda Musique 2017), Meïkhâneh further affirms the Persian, Mongolian and European…


Added by Johanni Curtet on May 2, 2022 at 10:41am — No Comments

Just Intonation in Notes and Numbers

An idealized, orderly, and multisymmetric presentation of parts of the interval material from Just intonation. All intervallic pairs with the same distance through the center are complementary within the octave.

The compass rose at the top left indicates that one moves horizontally (primarily the axis from 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock) in perfect fifths (right) and perfect fourths (left), respectively; in the direction of the axis from 1 o'clock to 7 o'clock and…


Added by Skye Løfvander on April 19, 2022 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Austrian Overtone Ensemble releases 1st CD & Digital Album "Aionigma"!

Austrian overtonemusic ensemble Aionigma combines the spheric soundworlds of overtone singing and instruments rich in overtones with elements of Early-European, Indo-European and Central-Asian music forms. The result is a unique music that moves in the seemingly so different genres of New Age, World Music, Early Music, Gregorian Chant, Folk and Classical Music.

Recorded live in the wonderful acoustics of Göttweig Abbey, the album Aionigma offers a first sound imprint and leads into…


Added by Aionigma on April 15, 2022 at 7:31pm — No Comments

Obertonkurse in Wien 2022

Wir wagen zu planen:
Obertonkurse in der www.stimmwerkstatt.at

am 14. und 15. Mai 2022, jeweils von 10 bis 16 Uhr
am 11. und 12. Juni 2022 jeweils von 10 bis 16 Uhr

Ich freu mich auf euch!

Added by Julia Renöckl on March 28, 2022 at 9:00am — No Comments

Mongolian Sound Worlds: new release

New book on Mongolian music to be released in April!

Mongolian Sound Worlds

ed. by Jennifer C. Post, Sunmin Yoon and Charlotte d'Evelyn, University of Illinois Press.

"Insights into musical place, practice, identity, and heritage that arise during moves from steppes to stage, Chinggis Khan’s empire to…


Added by Johanni Curtet on March 23, 2022 at 8:47am — No Comments

Khusugtun - Jangar tour in Europe this spring !

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la tournée européenne de Khusugtun ce printemps! Une belle occasion d'entendre en live le set de leur dernier album "Jangar"!

We have the pleasure to announce Khusugtun 's European tour this spring! A great occasion to see their new album "Jangar" live!

Хөсөгтөн хамтлагийн Европын аялан тоглолт энэ хавар эхлэх гэж байна! "Жангар" цомгийн шинэ бүтээлүүдээр Франц, Люксембург, Швейцарь, Бельгид уулзацгаая!…


Added by Johanni Curtet on March 23, 2022 at 8:41am — No Comments

Big News: Nomination for 2 Native American Music Awards 2022!

Dear friends,

I've been nominated for this year's Native American Music Awards with my Bearheart Kokopelli album "Vision Quest" in category 24 "Best Native Heart Recording", with my video "Walking The Sacred Path" in category 32 "Best Instrumental Video" and I need your support as public voting is now part of the process of determining the winners at:…


Added by Bernhard Mikuskovics on January 29, 2022 at 12:30pm — No Comments

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Arjopa posted a video

Out in the Woods

#throatsinging #campanula #longsong #lyrics by #arjopa #throatsinger #voiceshaman #musicshaman
Geo Goidaci posted a status
"Improvised concert in a Graveyard in Gräfelfing by Munich 2018 Ludger Bartels and me we love overtones :)"
Jul 17
Geo Goidaci posted a status
Jul 17
Jens Mügge commented on Arjopa's video
Jul 17
Arjopa commented on Arjopa's video
Jul 16
Arjopa posted a video

Arjopa - Live

Bereits seit Anfang der 90er Jahre wurde Arjopa von namhaften tuvinischen Khoomei-Meistern wie Gendos Chamzyryn, Mogün-ool & Kongar-ool Ondar & Albert Kuve...
Jul 16
Thomas Mörth posted videos
Jul 15
papajeahja Sandy Kühn updated their profile
Jul 15
Jens Mügge posted a blog post
Jul 13
Andreas Eder posted a video

Farbklänge, Obertöne beim Orgelstimmen

Während meines Besuches der Kathedrale von Chartres im Juni 2024 wurde gerade ein Register der neuen Orgel gestimmt, die bis 2025 fertiggestellt sein soll. I...
Jul 9
Sukadev Bretz posted a video

Sundaram & Friends - Shri Ganesha

Performed by Sundaram and Friends at Yoga Vidya Easter Concert 2024http://www.sundaram.de/https://sundaram.de/shop/You can share the video with others, to sp...
Jul 3
Aionigma updated an event

Obertonkonzert zum Sommerbeginn at Evangelische Kirche

June 8, 2024 from 7pm to 8:30pm
Jun 1

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