Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Kiva simova's Comments

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At 2:31pm on February 6, 2012, josef löber said…

hy kiva,

u re right.
well id love to have a hang but im loving my flowdrum quite a bit as well...
here u can watch it:
ill still have to tune the mikrophon...
im courious how u like it.
i love overtonesinging as well. when i visit berlin next time ill contact u maybe we could sing together...

hear u josef

At 11:37pm on October 21, 2011, josef löber said…
hy kiva sorry for responding a little later ...
here i am again on omn
i´ve moved to heckenbeck near göttingen and am starting my business with building a kindoff steel slit-drum named flowdrum. seems to me ur quite common to the omn scene maybe u wanna inroduce me to somone u think might be intresting to meet with.
how are u with ur overtone singing. do u have people around u to sing together?

hear u josef
At 11:11am on October 21, 2011, Filip Rydlo said…
Ebb and Flow - with EOC? You did?

I LOVE that song!

Kiva, Please, share some recording of it ! :o)
At 10:16am on October 21, 2011, Filip Rydlo said…
Hi, Kiva!

Did You share the video at Balcony TV ??? You surely can record a short video where You would talk about it a bit - a few seconds - and in which You would LINK to the video directly at BalconyTV or Youtube! :-)
At 11:32pm on May 15, 2011, kees tonkens said…
Hello Kiva,

I also thougt I'd signed up for the E book , but i didnt get it so far .Maybe i made a mistake or something like that

At 10:50pm on April 15, 2011, Hans Tschiritsch said…
hi kiva!i am sorry, i think i wrote you the wrong date, we can only come on 21.
maybe you didn`t get my last message? please give me your private mail and tel. nr.
all best! hans
At 12:22am on March 27, 2011, Hans Tschiritsch said…
hi kiva! your last comment sounded enthusiastic....
i am organizing a small concert in vienna on 5th of may...
maybe this can be a possibility to know each other by working together...?
(before i have a workshop on 9. & 10. april) i have a friend (overtone-singer,with car)
who would like to go to prag on the 3rd or 4th weekend in mai...
this would be another chance to meet...?
what do you think about?
all best!
At 12:08am on March 14, 2011, Hans Tschiritsch said…
hi kiva! thank you for your quick answer! yes come to vienna, any time...
you are welcome..., but i don`t have big possibilities here...
maybe prag is better? let`s work out something, stay in contact and i hope that we meet soon! what about prag-festival?
see you, all best! hans
At 5:02pm on November 8, 2010, Papi Moreno said…
A big smile for you...! :-)
At 8:03pm on November 13, 2009, papajeahja Sandy Kühn said…
your music is great, powerful and i like it, very much
ligthfull regards
from papa
At 4:43pm on November 2, 2009, Mario Molle said…
Hi Kiva!
All pitches/ keys will be probably possible on Tabla. That day I´m on work, don´t know when it´s finish, but I´ll ask Rainer from Dodo-house when you´re about to come.
Best greetings, Mario
At 3:10pm on October 30, 2009, Mirkaledo Dreeston said…
hi kiva,
thank you for the hint .. I spread the word. Don't know yet whether I'll manage to come. I'll try. See you hopefully at the Dodo.
At 2:20pm on October 30, 2009, wolfman said…

dear kiva,

thank you for your nice comment. i am glad, that you like my work. let stay in contact.

best wishes

At 7:32pm on October 20, 2009, Daniel Pircher said…
ola Kiva I'm looking forward to meet you at the 17th and I really enjoy
your music it's beautiful.

All the best from berlin
At 6:11pm on October 20, 2009, Mario Molle said…
Hi Kiva!
Thanks for your comment. I could come to Dodo House on Nov. 17th.
I know Dodo House & Rainer a little. It would be good if we can meet before, my phone Nr. is +49 (0)151-18136887. I have some different pitches of Tabla, maybe choose two.
Wish the best, greetings Mario
At 5:03pm on October 20, 2009, Anna said…
do`nt find it at their wedside (Dodohaus)

At 12:43pm on September 22, 2009, Sarah Hopkins said…
Hi Kiva,
Lovely to hear from you ! I visited your website a year ago .....& it was great to look over your updated website yesterday. I'm looking forward to hearing more of your music soon.
Now that you're living in Prague I guess that you know Filip Rydlo ? He recently sent me a video link of a rehearsal of my choir piece 'Past Life Melodies' which includes overtone singing .... Did you happen to hear it ?
Have you written & recorded any pieces for choir which include overtone singing ? I'm looking forward to hearing much more overtone singing in many different genres now that I've joined the OMN !!
Have a great day !
Sonic Blessings, Sarah
At 7:12pm on April 22, 2009, Barbara Lübben said…
one by one is still their in the air... Thank you! I hope to sing more of this next year :-)))
At 2:01pm on February 26, 2009, Arjopa said…
Shagaa Bile dear Kiva!!

We wish you a happy, healthy, fruit- & successful New Year of the Earth Cow!!
May all your wishes & plans come true in this year of butter & cream!!

Shagaa Bile!!

Khoomei Throatsinging Country Punk Greetings from Berlin!!

Arjopa & The Master U-like

At 11:26pm on December 9, 2008, Wolfgang Saus said…
I would have tried to come to Prague today, but unfortunately got the message only today. Hope to see you soon.

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