Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

josef löber
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Josef löber's Connections

  • kiva simova

josef löber's Page

Profile Information

About me:
hi, ich bin seit etwa 13 Jahren begeisterter Obertonsänger, Obetonflötenbauer/Spieler, Klangstuhl/Massageliegen und Summstein-Bauer und mache mich grade als Goldschmiedemeister und im Musikinstrumentenbau selbständig. ich möchte diese Plattform nutzen um Kontakte zu knüpfen und zu sehen was Ihr so schwingt und klingt...
overtone flute" podolka "(selfmade)
steelslit-drum/tankdrum/ hank (selfmade)
my mouth ;-)
Summstein/ Summtopf
Rüdiger aus Glarisegg

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At 11:17am on February 6, 2012, kiva simova said…

Hi again, sorry, I just noticed your message now from a few months ago. Maybe you are interested in the hang drum, which is rare and only made by one company in Switzerland, with a long waiting list! I have a friend here in Prague who plays hang very well.
I am looking for more people interested in collaborating together with overtones, either my original overtone choir music or improvisation in concert or recordings.
all best, kiva

At 4:01pm on October 20, 2009, kiva simova said…
Hi Josef,
I see your interested in overtones, as well as your lovely wife!
I'm always up for meeting like- minded musicians. Especially fond of overtone flute. Do you know Vladiswar Nadishana (Berlin)?
Anyway, I'm coming to perform a solo concert there at Dodohaus (Huttentstr 30) on Tues, Nov 17th at 20:00.
I play keyboards/ vocals with lots of overtoning on world beat/ jazz-pop/ experimental originals.
It would be nice to meet you there.
All the best,
At 1:25pm on January 31, 2009, OMN said…
Hello Josef,

welcome on OMN. You received my welcome message for new members? I hope so. With this form you can contact the admin team if you have any issues - and here you will find all FAQ.

All the best,

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