Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

kiva simova
  • Female
  • Winnipeg
  • Canada

Kiva simova's Connections

  • Völven
  • Norbert Maria Brauer
  • Teddy Guilbaud
  • Christian Muela
  • OCO
  • Thomas Meisenheimer
  • Billy Fox
  • bernard dubreuil
  • Alexander Glenfield
  • juri cainero
  • Johannes Lind
  • Skye Løfvander
  • Christa Kirchner
  • Deirdre Morgan

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kiva simova's Discussions

Gurdjieff- Meetings with Remarkable Men (overtone singing in film)
4 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Martin Philippe Jan 2, 2011.




Kiva Simova is a Canadian overtone singing teacher, composer, conductor, keyboardist (based in Toronto as of April 2017) with international recognition as a western pioneer, combining overtone singing with world beat/ jazz/ pop/ experimental/ new classical music. She is frequently called upon for live and recorded vocal improvisation with other artists. These include Tanya Tagaq (Inuit throat singer), Lisa Walker (improvisation with whale song), The Yellow Sisters, New Millennium Orchestra, Olla Vogala Orchestra, The Ormidales, Live Ullmann, Ring Cycle Orchestra, Strange Angels, Vladiswar Nadishana, Jennifer Berezan, Wimme and for film soundtracks (i.e. Beit Sha'ar, honorable mention at Dubai Int'l Film Festival, Dec '10). She was a tenor member of the European Overtone Choir, Spektrum overtone choir and the International Choir of Prague. She also composes music for overtone choirs, having directed her own, AURALIA, in Prague.

Her diversified career, starting around 1978, began with a solid basis of classical and jazz piano training. The early professional years included stints in several rock, pop and R & B bands. Later on, she performed extensively as a solo act, including a jazz circuit in Japan.

Ongoing attention for her innovations in harmonic overtone singing has led to some unusual performance situations. International appearances have included: guest vocalist with orchestra »Olla Vogala« in Brugge, Belgium (2002), main stage artist at KIEKU throat singing festival in Helsinki, Finland and Nordic House in Reykjavik, Iceland (’01), and only foreign female artist at the International Symposium of Throat Singing in the Republic of Tuva, Russia (1995). In May /08 she performed at the International Polyphonic Festival of Albania (in ancient ruins with her laptop). She was also world tour member with the Crash Test Dummies at the height of their fame, in support of »God Shuffled His Feet« in 1994-1995, where she demonstrated overtoning at each concert. Venues included the prestigious Royal Albert Hall in London, and appearances on Saturday Night Live and David Letterman in New York City.

Her debut »The Ladder« (1998) has dreamy, metaphorically rich offerings and elements of jazz, pop, impressionism and worldbeat. Cultural influences such as Tuvan, East Indian, Celtic, Balinese and Japanese are apparent. Roughly half the tracks on »The Ladder« contain some form of this technique. Lyrically, it’s an expression of her personal, theoretical and global ponderings, full of lush imagery and wordplay.

This all comes together with hair raising harmonies and highly melodic vocals that are simultaneously sweet, powerful, innocent and exotic.;

Kiva continues to stretch musical boundaries with the release of »Pulse«. It falls into the category of 'otherworldly worldbeat'. She creates layers of textural vocals with mostly imaginary language (»vocables«), sometimes imitating instruments, combining this with rhythms from several different cultures. Latin, African, East Indian, Caribbean, and even a little Klezmer, are influences that appear in »Pulse«.

The uplifting results are unique hybrids that meld East and »new« West. From »The Ladder«, »Pulse« and beyond, all her work documents an unorthodox history of study, performance, world travel and experimentation.

Kiva's third CD- The Quality of Light, released in 2014

The Quality of Light features more overtone singing (on 7 out of 10 tracks) with a strong emphasis on jazzy pop with lyrics, and piano. The last track is totally improvised with world renowned didgeridoo player Ondrej Smeykal.

Profile Information

About me:
overtone singer, improv vocalist, solo artist, keyboardist, teacher of overtone singing workshops
keyboards, voice
Bobby McFerrin, Jane Siberry, Lisa Gerrard, Huun-Huur-Tuu, Sheila Chandra, Yma Sumac, Tanya Tagaq, Kevin Breit, Imogen Heap, Joni Mitchell, Tom Waits, Steely Dan, Bjork, Sun Ra, Bulgarian choirs, East Indian Classical, Cuban ...

Kiva simova's Blog News

collaborating online- listen to 'Waves' with Kiva Simova

The site admin suggested I post this here, as I have in the Facebook group 'Overtone Singers Unite'. BTW, if you haven't already become a member of that group, I recommend it.

The subject of this blog is collaboration online. With overtones of course. The site I use is kompoz.com

You can find almost anything here in terms of style. There are some quite accomplished producers, engineers, composers, etc. here, so don't worry about the quality. Of course, there are some wash outs, but…


Posted on July 6, 2012 at 9:17pm —

Overtone Choir music

There is not a lot of notated overtone music out there, particularly for choirs. And even less so when it comes to polyphonic singing.

In the earliest days of the appearance of composed western overtone music, there was Folke Rabe and Stockhausen.

Later on, Sarah Hopkins (Australia) created 'Past Life Melodies', which became internationally known and performed by many choirs around the world. Many such choirs were not overtone choirs, per se, but her piece did not require… Continue

Posted on May 11, 2011 at 1:30pm —

Khoomei Perspective from Tuva 1993


Here is an interesting article by Oorzhak Khunashtaar-ool from 1993 about his lifelong khoomei singing, and how it must be properly taught to the young to preserve correct technique and tradition.


Even back in 1993, he laments the introduction of pop music influences into khoomei.


Also, note the suggestion that a young female group should form, the daughters of Tuva, which came true with 'Tuva Kyzy'.



Posted on March 28, 2011 at 12:00pm —

yodeling and overtones

I'm currently creating some very specific notated exercises for combining yodeling with overtones (SATB), using 2 completely different approaches.

The best I've heard in this area is Christian Zehnder, who has cleverly woven his national Swiss tradition into it. I'd like to open some discussion about this topic- any experience with overtone yodeling or fresh new ideas?

Anyway, in a yodel surfing expedition, found this completely amazing blog site 'Yodel Heaven', which has a huge… Continue

Posted on November 21, 2010 at 3:00pm — — 5 Comments

1000 overtone links

Hey! If you haven't discovered this, it's a phenomenal source, especially for the scientific minded.
'1000 overtone links'.


Posted on August 9, 2010 at 4:59pm — — 11 Comments

Latest Activity

Jens Mügge commented on kiva simova's status
"Thanks for this update and the link to midbrainsurfers.com"
Dec 27, 2024
kiva simova posted a status
"I have an improvising group with overtones and extended vocals: Midbrain Surfers. Visit: midbrainsurfers.com"
Dec 7, 2024
2 photos by kiva simova were featured
Dec 7, 2024
kiva simova updated their profile
Oct 24, 2022
Christian Muela is now in contact with kiva simova
Feb 12, 2020

Comment Wall (54 comments)

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At 2:31pm on February 6, 2012, josef löber said…

hy kiva,

u re right.
well id love to have a hang but im loving my flowdrum quite a bit as well...
here u can watch it:
ill still have to tune the mikrophon...
im courious how u like it.
i love overtonesinging as well. when i visit berlin next time ill contact u maybe we could sing together...

hear u josef

At 11:37pm on October 21, 2011, josef löber said…
hy kiva sorry for responding a little later ...
here i am again on omn
i´ve moved to heckenbeck near göttingen and am starting my business with building a kindoff steel slit-drum named flowdrum. seems to me ur quite common to the omn scene maybe u wanna inroduce me to somone u think might be intresting to meet with.
how are u with ur overtone singing. do u have people around u to sing together?

hear u josef
At 11:11am on October 21, 2011, Filip Rydlo said…
Ebb and Flow - with EOC? You did?

I LOVE that song!

Kiva, Please, share some recording of it ! :o)
At 10:16am on October 21, 2011, Filip Rydlo said…
Hi, Kiva!

Did You share the video at Balcony TV ??? You surely can record a short video where You would talk about it a bit - a few seconds - and in which You would LINK to the video directly at BalconyTV or Youtube! :-)
At 11:32pm on May 15, 2011, kees tonkens said…
Hello Kiva,

I also thougt I'd signed up for the E book , but i didnt get it so far .Maybe i made a mistake or something like that

At 10:50pm on April 15, 2011, Hans Tschiritsch said…
hi kiva!i am sorry, i think i wrote you the wrong date, we can only come on 21.
maybe you didn`t get my last message? please give me your private mail and tel. nr.
all best! hans
At 12:22am on March 27, 2011, Hans Tschiritsch said…
hi kiva! your last comment sounded enthusiastic....
i am organizing a small concert in vienna on 5th of may...
maybe this can be a possibility to know each other by working together...?
(before i have a workshop on 9. & 10. april) i have a friend (overtone-singer,with car)
who would like to go to prag on the 3rd or 4th weekend in mai...
this would be another chance to meet...?
what do you think about?
all best!
At 12:08am on March 14, 2011, Hans Tschiritsch said…
hi kiva! thank you for your quick answer! yes come to vienna, any time...
you are welcome..., but i don`t have big possibilities here...
maybe prag is better? let`s work out something, stay in contact and i hope that we meet soon! what about prag-festival?
see you, all best! hans
At 5:02pm on November 8, 2010, Papi Moreno said…
A big smile for you...! :-)
At 8:03pm on November 13, 2009, papajeahja Sandy Kühn said…
your music is great, powerful and i like it, very much
ligthfull regards
from papa

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