"hola nestor! i am a overtone-singer & instrument-inventor based in vienna... i would like to contact you, when i go to spain (sooner or later) i hope, you like the idea...or if you come to vienna...? you are welcome.
all best,
Hi Hans, since you changed the date it made things a bit more complicated- my choir is not available on the 21st to share a concert. However, I am now trying to link up a great percussionist here to help host you on that date. The evening would include 3 performances: Hearn Gadbois on percussion with Rena Milgrom (interpretive dance), Drum Drum (2 Czech percussionists) with me on improv vocals, and you with your instruments. But I need to know the exact nature of your performance first. Is it just you or do you perform with a partner? What type of instruments would you bring, what would the music be like? I think maybe at the end, there could be an open jam with all the musicians. Could you also provide some promo text that really describes what you do, to help us promote it?
I think it would be possible to find accommodation for 2 of you. But as I mentioned, there probably wouldn't be a great sum of money in it for you. If you really want to come to Prague and connect, it could be a nice way of getting introduced here. Please write me at kivamusic@gmail.com
Hi Hans, thanks for your offers. May 5th in Vienna does not appear too likely for me, but that may change. However, if you can come to Prague either May 21 or 28, maybe we can organize a concert together. If possible, try to stuff as many instruments as you can manage into the car! I will investigate the best possible date here- some of my choir members will not be here on one of those dates. Also, I have a venue in mind which would include a great percussionist and interpretive dance. kiva
Wow, I took one look at those instruments and I definitely want to do some collaborations with you- improvised vocals, overtones of course....concerts, recordings....I'll come to Vienna, unless you can haul some of those things to Prague.
find ich ganz toll Deine Kreationen, musikalisch, als auch die Instrumente. Kann man Dich mal im Raum Bayern erleben?
Liebe Grüsse
aus Obelfing
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