Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Robert Usewicz
  • Male
  • Sopot
  • Poland
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Robert Usewicz's Connections

  • Chuck Carron
  • Nestor Kornblum
  • Hans Tschiritsch
  • Werner Worschech
  • Jens Mügge

Robert Usewicz's Page

Profile Information

About me:
NAVIGATORGONG - NEW QUALITY with primary instruments. WORLD MUSIC, shamanic trance, meditation, ethno, healing sounds. UNIVERSAL HARMONY
Robert Usewicz -initiator of the project, musician, composer, performing artist, producer and Gong Master. classically trained musician with years of experience in pop, rock , electronic and film music. Composed music for numbers of theatre plays, films and Tv productions in Poland, England and France. Studied sound engineering and music production in London.
"My journey with Sacred Sound and ancient instruments started in 2000 when I was first introduced to The Gong, by my shaman friend. After many years of experimenting with different sounds and varies music styles, I was finally back to The Roots - so I AM"
Robert has performed at many prestigious festivals, concerts and celebrations, so far mainly in Poland and as a solo artist. From 2011 together with his love Joan Jordan, they perform concerts, do meditation/therapeutic sessions an workshops.

GONGS - SYMBOL OF PEACE are the base of NAVIGATORGONG music. Gongs come to announce times of peace and spiritual evolution.
Concert/performance of NAVIGATORGONG is a MISTERIUM - spiritual celebration , that takes You into state of deep contemplation. It's a journey inside, to the Source, to The Roots, to The Light. Besides gongs You can also experience sounds of Tibetan singing bowls, drums, flutes, tampura, didgeridoo, zyther, and voice. All this played with new and opened attitude creates unique sound of NAVIGATORGONG - ''COSMIC SYMPHONY''. Hypnotic power of GONGS & DRUMS trance and cosmic atmospheres of healing
NAVIGATORGONG is a very universal artistic project, that fascinates audience at small concerts, but it can also be very hipnotic for big audience at open air festivals and events.
Every concert is unique and unrepeatable, NAVIGATORGONG always evolves.......www.navigatorgong.com
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_d9vzTQm_s (just sample)
As a band we are:
Myself , occasionally guest friends
Gongs, tibetan bowles, tampura, flutes, drums, voice

Robert Usewicz's Photos

Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 1:05pm on March 6, 2010, Robert Usewicz said…
Yes my friend, here is the link http://www.sonasounds.com
and one more link where You can watch a little film I made of our last concert

Till soon
At 12:12pm on March 6, 2010, Werner Worschech said…
hello robert,

did you find the manufactory? please let me know;-)

best wishes,
At 11:36pm on November 6, 2009, Jens Mügge said…
Hello Robert, I haven't welcome you yet with a comment I think so. Therefore: welcome to our community for overtones and harmonics! - thanks for joining us.

Jens (founder of this site & technical support)
At 1:18pm on October 21, 2009, Werner Worschech said…
hello robert,

nice to find you here too;-)))

welcome to omn!!!




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