Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

I'm currently creating some very specific notated exercises for combining yodeling with overtones (SATB), using 2 completely different approaches.
The best I've heard in this area is Christian Zehnder, who has cleverly woven his national Swiss tradition into it. I'd like to open some discussion about this topic- any experience with overtone yodeling or fresh new ideas?

Anyway, in a yodel surfing expedition, found this completely amazing blog site 'Yodel Heaven', which has a huge amount of rare (downloadable!) mp3s from all over the world, including a bunch of overtone and throat singing tracks. (Hint) You'll find Arthur Miles there too!

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Comment by Juraj on November 22, 2010 at 9:45am
Hi Kiva, the Yodel Heaven - so much good and usefull stuff in there. Thank u for that. Time consuming. :-)))Juraj
Comment by Jens Mügge on November 25, 2010 at 12:49pm
Hi Kiva, I remember that you stayed and in Berlin 2008 and I could arrange a meeting with a yodeler - here is a nice clip with Jewel yodeling Chime Bells and here a Garmisch Yodeler
Comment by kiva simova on November 25, 2010 at 2:31pm
Yes, it was Christel Eckert. We shared teachings together. I think her teacher was there also, but I forget her name. I'd love to organize some bigger event in Berlin involving these yodelers.
Comment by Barbara Lübben on November 25, 2010 at 2:43pm
Hi Kiva,
thanks for this really interesting link! I will explore it the next days. Greetings to you and Prague,
Comment by Jens Mügge on November 25, 2010 at 4:20pm
A bigger event with these yodlers will be great. I am not in contact with Christel. But I that her teacher's name is Doreen Kutzke from the Jodelschule Kreuzberg - I should practice yodeling maybe too because it is an important tradition of my homeland, the Harz mountains ...


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