maybe we can meet us again in Taucha. I left Berlin since one and a half year and live now in a small town near Detmold. The lift is quite better here now in Bad Meinberg instead of the big city Berlin.
Hi There,
I hope you're well. Just thought you'd like to visit my new overtone singing website. You can find it at
Best wishes,
Hi Tran Quang Hai! Great lesson! Nice to meet you in Toscana! Giulia from Spazio NU
At 11:44am on November 12, 2009, Sarah Hopkins said…
Greetings Tran Quang Hai... from Sunny Brisbane !
I hope this finds you in good health & spirits ? It's been many years since we met in Singapore where we were both running Overtone Singing Workshops at the World Choral Symposium ....
I've finally joined the OMN & would love to be connected with you . My apologies for taking SO LONG to join !! (You invited me to join when it first began ...I'm a bit of a novice with computers !!) Thank you for all the good work you do in spreading & sharing overtone singing world wide.
Sonic Blessings, Sarah Hopkins
Thanks a lot Hai for sharing some of your photos from our common meeting in Berlin and thanks that I could saw how kind you are. Really it was wonderful to meet you and I wish to meet you soon as possible. By the way maybe you have noticed the national flags in the top of each page? It would be great if you can contribute from time to time a translation contribution to the Google Vietnamese or French version of this network. Only if you like ... all the best, yours Jens
Hi Dear Hai!!
Thanx a lot for that wonderful meeting we had last Sunday in Berlin-Schöneberg!!
It was so great & refreshing to mmet you again after so many years!!
Hope you had a pleasant journey back home!!
Dear Hai!!
Thanx a lot for your nice message!!
Perhabs we could meet for a coffee or two (for around half an hour - dont want to boother you!!) after you finished your Workshop on Saturday, or may be Sunday??
I gonna contact you via Jens, just tell me, what is better for you!!
dear Hai,
I am in Taipei for a while. Back to Europe in June, then FINALLY the CD of my group Parafonia comes out. It's about time. Might visit France this Summer and will try to deliver you a copy in person! Enjoy Berlin and Canada, greetings to Bach Yen!
Hello Tran Quang Hai
I don´t know how to express how fascinated I am by your singing. It is absolutely beautiful!
I discovered overtone singing this winter and just knew that I had to learn.
I am a Danish woman, for the moment studying in Shanghai. I have two weeks to do my own project in April. And I want to learn to sing overtone singing.
I got a tip from another OMN member that you might know who to ask.
So, do you happen to know anyone in China that can teach me? Or have an idea of where I can search?
Do you think it is possible for me to learn in two weeks?
I am grateful for any help.
Kind regards Gro
We wish you & your family a happy,healthy, fruit & successful
New Year of the Earth Cow!!
May all your plans & wishes come true in the year of butter & cream!!
Shagaa Bile!!
Khoomei Throatsinging Country Punk Greetings from Berlin!!
Dear Tran Quang Hai ... thanks for your email news with all the links to your overtone analyser spektrum videos -
I have to write once again: I love your jew's harp rhythym style and I am looking forward to meet you in April 2009 here in Berlin. I will send out an announcement in my own private newsletter for March.
Thanks a lot for being here ...
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare performed by KatjaMaha Mantra, also called Hare Krishna Man...
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
Overtone Music Network
a common space & database for harmonic overtones
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R.I.P. my friend!
Thanks a lot for all what you have given, thanks a lot for the common moments and the joy which you have shared.
All the best for your new journey.
Dear Hai,
maybe we can meet us again in Taucha. I left Berlin since one and a half year and live now in a small town near Detmold. The lift is quite better here now in Bad Meinberg instead of the big city Berlin.
All the best,
Hello Hai, I have seen your comments on Wolfgang Saus's photo which motivated me for this comment here on OMN:
Tran Quang Hai and Jens Mügge - April 20th 2009 in Berlin
I hope you're well. Just thought you'd like to visit my new overtone singing website. You can find it at
Best wishes,
I added this photo here to Overtone Music Network.
All the best,
I hope this finds you in good health & spirits ? It's been many years since we met in Singapore where we were both running Overtone Singing Workshops at the World Choral Symposium ....
I've finally joined the OMN & would love to be connected with you . My apologies for taking SO LONG to join !! (You invited me to join when it first began ...I'm a bit of a novice with computers !!) Thank you for all the good work you do in spreading & sharing overtone singing world wide.
Sonic Blessings, Sarah Hopkins
will be in touch as soon as I've got them ;)
lots of love!! and sonic hugs!
I`m glad to have meet you one Koncert (music gruppe ) in France.
you websait is very good.
Greeting from Ingolstadt
And here are two photos I really like best!!
Thanx a lot!!
Greetings again!!
Thanx a lot for that wonderful meeting we had last Sunday in Berlin-Schöneberg!!
It was so great & refreshing to mmet you again after so many years!!
Hope you had a pleasant journey back home!!
And hope to see you soon in Paris!!
Greetings from Berlin!!
Sunday is great - let´s get in contact through Jens!!
Untill then!!
Thanx a lot for your nice message!!
Perhabs we could meet for a coffee or two (for around half an hour - dont want to boother you!!) after you finished your Workshop on Saturday, or may be Sunday??
I gonna contact you via Jens, just tell me, what is better for you!!
Greetings from Berlin!!
I am in Taipei for a while. Back to Europe in June, then FINALLY the CD of my group Parafonia comes out. It's about time. Might visit France this Summer and will try to deliver you a copy in person! Enjoy Berlin and Canada, greetings to Bach Yen!
I will keep looking here in China, or maybe go to Mongolia.
Good luck to you too - Gro
I don´t know how to express how fascinated I am by your singing. It is absolutely beautiful!
I discovered overtone singing this winter and just knew that I had to learn.
I am a Danish woman, for the moment studying in Shanghai. I have two weeks to do my own project in April. And I want to learn to sing overtone singing.
I got a tip from another OMN member that you might know who to ask.
So, do you happen to know anyone in China that can teach me? Or have an idea of where I can search?
Do you think it is possible for me to learn in two weeks?
I am grateful for any help.
Kind regards Gro
We wish you & your family a happy,healthy, fruit & successful
New Year of the Earth Cow!!
May all your plans & wishes come true in the year of butter & cream!!
Shagaa Bile!!
Khoomei Throatsinging Country Punk Greetings from Berlin!!
Arjopa & The Master U-like
I have to write once again: I love your jew's harp rhythym style and I am looking forward to meet you in April 2009 here in Berlin. I will send out an announcement in my own private newsletter for March.
Thanks a lot for being here ...
Yours Jens
Overtone Music Network
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