Mantra for peace and joy | Om Sat Chid Ananda Mula Mantra by Bhakti from Mantra Circle
Dmom sat chit ananda parabrahmaDmpurushothama paramatma Csri bhagavathi sametha Dmsri bhagavathe namaha Dmhari om tat sat Chari ...
a common space & database for harmonic overtones
Overtone Music Network
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Hi from Spain!
I sing with "MuOM, Barcelona Overtone Singing Choir" & we visit London & Wales at the end of this month! It'd be a genuine blessing for the group if you are able to attend an event or share the info with some of your contacts, if you feel inspired to do so.
Thank you & enjoy your week!
"MuOM, Barcelona Overtone Singing Choir" in concert:
Friday July 25th - 8:30pm
St. Peter’s Vauxhall Church
(amazing acoustics!)
Vauxhall Station
£10 online now / £13 door:
Saturday July 26th - 8:00pm
St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Peace & Reconciliation
("Listen to the World Concert Series")
Liverpool Street Station
£12 - please book online:
Sunday, July 27th - doors open 7:30pm
Llangollen Fringe Festival, Wales (closing concert)
(in the ruins of a spectacular abbey)
£7.50 - please book online:
Facebook event page for all 3 concerts:
(your click on "going" genuinely helps :)
video clips:
Dear Rollin Rachele,
many thanks for your friendly words and your invitation to be connected, it's Sun and Joy!
Please excuse my late answer, I stayed in the Yoga-Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg without my notebook.
As to your music I have the feeling that there are still so many works/items
within you just waiting to be launched. I shall be ravished to hear and see more performances by this ever so wonderful group with the divine elfin.
Om Namah Shivaya.
Devaki Erika-Ha, Hamburg
that's great to find you here. Do you remember our first contact back in the 90th? I got your brilliant book on overtone singing in dutch language in those times. A book that gave me a lot of inspiration. Hope we get more in contact now.
R.I.P.Tran Quang Hai said…
I'm glad that you have become a member of this network. Please surf on the video section or other members' pages to discover diverse compositions and creations . Of course, we look forward to having your music here too.
Tran Quang Hai
thanks a lot that you followed the invitation by your friend Tran Quang Hai. If you have any questions how you can use all capabilities of this network please check out the FAQ, videos and blogs on my impressum page. - And please let me tell you that the guidelines are the centrepiece of this network .
Best regards,