Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

  • Female
  • Livorno/Firenze
  • Italy

Giulia's Connections

  • wolfman
  • luca bordoli
  • Purevsuren Usukhjargal
  • Tupa Ruja
  • riccardo misto
  • Sabe
  • Rollin Rachele
  • Andrea de Luca
  • Lorenzo Pierobon
  • Roberto LANERI
  • Marco Tonini
  • Tran Quang Hai
  • Jens Mügge
  • Miroslav Grosser

giulia's Groups



Profile Information

About me:
I'm a spiritual searcher and helper through artistic experimentation. I work as a Gestalt Art Counselor and I believe in the healing power of sounds. I'm studying and improving Overtone singing...with Tran quang Hai..when he's in Italy!
Tibetan bowls, bodran, little bells, cembals,woods, stone, sea drum, seeds, shells.VOICE
Deva Premal, Devotional chanting,Krishna Das, nada yoga, mantra, indian raga,gregorian chant. Leonard Cohen, Ray Charles, Eric Clapton,Peter kater, Norah Jones, Enigma, Enya, Alan Stivell, Bregovic & Custurica, Musica etnica, musica classica e lirica (Maria Callas, Puccini)

giulia's Photos

Giulia's Blog News

Where I come from!

Lavoro come GestaltCounselor a mediazione corporea-artistica e operatrice energetico-vibrazionale. Mi sono laureata a Firenze e diplomata molto dopo Gestalt Counselor professional. Ho acquisito competenze nell’ambito del teatro partecipando a laboratori di formazione attoriale (Andrea Buscemi e Francesca Gamba, F.Ria) e successivamente a workshops e seminari di approfondimento sul teatro della Gestalt (Barrie Simmons, O.Rossi), lo psicodramma di Moreno (De Marino) , la teatroterapia (Orioli),il… Continue

Posted on December 16, 2008 at 4:01pm —

Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 12:20am on June 25, 2010,
Tran Quang Hai
Dear Giulia,
I am also glad to have met you in Spazio NU.
Hope to keep in touch
All the best,
Tran Quang Hai
At 9:49pm on September 27, 2009, wolfman said…
dear guilia,

thank you for beeing fiends. i wish you and all those you love all the very best.

with king regards


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