Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Jan Heinke's Comments

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At 10:01am on March 23, 2023, Jens Mügge said…

... ich habe noch einmal nachgeschaut:
es ist nicht der 22.04.22, sondern der 20.04.22,
an dem du deinen Körper verlassen hast.

At 7:07pm on June 26, 2022, Jens Mügge said…

Dear Jan,

I received just today the message that you have died on 22. April 2022 after a short, serious illness.

So on this way a big thank you for our meetings in real life in Prague, Dresden, Taucha and the Saurierspuren near Bad Essen. Thanks a lot for your music which is really unique and stronger than the death!


At 6:23pm on June 26, 2022, Jens Mügge said…

At 7:40am on February 23, 2013, Skye Løfvander said…
At 8:14pm on March 4, 2011, David Stuetzel said…
At 12:03pm on March 4, 2011, Karen Grace said…
Wow, your voice is amazing! Thanks for featuing my track Metamorphosis. :) Karen
At 8:29pm on January 28, 2011, Julia Zech said…
Hey ja cool, ich hab auch vorher schon mal was von dir gehört (Orpheus Angel) Wirklich sehr beeindruckend!! Liebe Grüße Julia
At 1:39pm on September 8, 2010, Barbara Lübben said…
Moin Jan,
ich wünsche euch wunderschöne Obertontage ind Dresden!
Im Geiste schaue ich vorbei;-)
Viele Grüße
At 10:49am on January 1, 2010,
Karin Höghielm
Hello Jan and thank you. Keep in touch .
Best wishes Karin
At 3:13am on December 11, 2009, Steve Sklar said…
Not classical, but classic. Perhaps it doesn't translate well. But here Footprints is considered a "jazz standard"; in other words a great old piece respected and performed by many jazz musicians. Wayne Shorter is a very great master of sax and music, and a very important composer and bandleader.
At 12:33am on November 9, 2009, wolfman said…

hi jan,

was ich von deinem sound halte, ist dir ja bekannt, aber für alle comment-leser hier nochmals: "hammer"!!!

wie sieht es aus? was machst du an freitag abenden? vielleicht hast du ja lust an einer fryday-session teil zu haben.

mit schwingenden grüßen


p.s. sieh dir doch bitte mal mein foto-album "the four sins" an und gib deinen senf dazu. danke.
At 5:07pm on October 6, 2009, Kadoing said…
Danke der Nachfrage. Noch gibt's uns weder auf CD, noch live. Aber vielleicht lässt sich das 2010 ändern.
Grüße aus Wien
At 3:08pm on October 1, 2009, Barbara Lübben said…
Klingt gut!
auch deine Musik natürlich..
Grüße von mir und der Nordsee - Barbara
At 1:12am on September 29, 2009, Karel Kekesi said…
hello Jan,
thank you for your reply.
We have all theatre project with overtones and now looking to record new music for Karel. Actually we need a bit time to have more money for it and we ll can start.
Have a look here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNsEQv8HEgA and there you can see more about the theatre project we doing.
If you will be interesting and ll see any kind of cooperation or offer Karel on your home market I ll can send you his 2 CD, where you ll hear all what he have been done till now.
Let me know please. All best to you as well.
At 4:09pm on September 28, 2009, Jens Mügge said…
Hallo Jan! danke für deine Musik. Neulich ging mein CD Player mal und sie klang fantastisch ... haste diesen Beitrag gesehen bzw. gelesen? Viele Grüße, Jens
At 6:20pm on September 18, 2009, Karel Kekesi said…
Hello Jan,
my name is Petr Jáchym from Czech republic and I am manager of Karel Kekeši, which is overtone singer from Czech rep.
We are new on this site but I get the info, that you organizing overtone festivals. Is it any chance to visit your festival a let Karel sing there?

Give me some infos in case of interest, please.

Regards Petr
At 4:00am on August 31, 2009, Gösta Petersen said…
Absolutely! We are looking forward to concert and workshop in Lund! That will be nice....

Greetings from South Sweden
At 9:00pm on July 9, 2009, Kolja Simon said…
Ja genau! Übrigens sehr geil, was Du so machst!!! In Freiheit und Mehrstimmigkeit Kolja
At 1:27pm on May 26, 2009, Detlef Sellenriek said…
Hallo Jan,
ich freue mich auf Deinen Auftritt mit Wolfgang Saus im Steinbruch an den Saurierspuren am 4.7. Das Programm steht schon mal im Netz unter www.myspace.com/Obertonfestival.
Liebe Grüße aus Markendorf
At 12:50pm on April 30, 2009, Silvia Gajdošíková said…
Hello Jan! I would like to invite you on a vernissage of my art project in Dresden! It's an Site specific project - theatre created in a specific place /Alte Ziegelei in Prohlis/ and it's a mixture of a theatre, performance, installation, music and other ways of creating. By the way, I cooperate with Harald Schluttig from SAEK, he sayd you know each other! It's on Sunday 10th of May in Umweltzentrum in Prohlis /Am Anger 18/ from 18.30

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