Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Jan Heinke
  • Dresden, Germany
  • European Union

Jan Heinke's Connections

  • Harmonic Introductions
  • Ser Yo
  • Alexandre Letellier
  • David Stuetzel
  • Julia Zech
  • Axel Kabbe
  • Alexander Glenfield
  • Gaynor O'Flynn
  • Johannes Lind
  • Skye Løfvander
  • Deirdre Morgan
  • wolfman
  • Egschiglen
  • Aleksey Khoroshev
  • Karen Grace

Latest Activity

Jens Mügge left a comment for 'Jan Heinke'
"Dear Jan, I received just today the message that you have died on 22. April 2022 after a short, serious illness. So on this way a big thank you for our meetings in real life in Prague, Dresden, Taucha and the Saurierspuren near Bad Essen. Thanks a…"
Jun 26, 2022

A photo by Jan Heinke was featured
Feb 20, 2020

Jan Heinke updated their profile
Jan 27, 2020

Jan Heinke posted a photo
Jan 25, 2020

Jan Heinke's Groups



Profile Information

About me:
(or what i am looking for in music)

to work with iron, sometimes in a forge, otherwise as a musician and composer

the difference between click, tock and bing (i am attracted by slowness, or call it laziness, that causes a microscopical view (not only) on sounds and noises)

the visible/tactile aspect of distinct sounds or the audible aspect of shape and material (means also that strange theater of abstract numbers called music and how it touches our imagination, senses or moods, how it creates visible forms)

the mathematical view on music or the musical view on numbers (helps me to find the "scapes", sounds, rhythms and harmonies wich i desire to listen)

each place and each point in time has anything distinctive, each landscape or situation is represented by remarkable sounds, often they reveal a surprising musical quality (how to approach such moments?)

our audible environment contains information about structure, nature, culture (how to explore and integrate this in musical concepts?)

the full range of different sounds we are able to produce with our voice(s)
(we are living in an age/place of abundance) esp. the hidden treasure in polyphonic or contrapuntal overtone singing
As a band we are:
stahlquartett.de: with micha antoni, peter andreas, alex fülle
aër-music.ch with ania losinger, mats eser
Inéz&Sammeltonium Wunderland
Junges Ensemble Dresden


Karin Nakagava (Koto)
Arve Henriksen (Trumpet)
Michal Müller (Zither)
Mathis Stendike (Percussion)
Matthias Loibner (Hurdy Gurdy)
Olaf Katzer (Conductor)
Miranda Driessen (Composer)
Stefan Johansson (Singer Songwriter)
voice, steel cello, iron sound sculptures, saxophones, ethnic wind instruments (didgeridoo, conchtrumpet, bukkehorn, duduk, long horn e. a.), mostly non-electrical sounds
schläft ein lied in allen dingen...
the birds in my garden, the various sounds of cities and landscapes, music from any time and culture

Bob Rutman

Jan Heinke's Photos

Comment Wall (40 comments)

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At 10:01am on March 23, 2023, Jens Mügge said…

... ich habe noch einmal nachgeschaut:
es ist nicht der 22.04.22, sondern der 20.04.22,
an dem du deinen Körper verlassen hast.

At 7:07pm on June 26, 2022, Jens Mügge said…

Dear Jan,

I received just today the message that you have died on 22. April 2022 after a short, serious illness.

So on this way a big thank you for our meetings in real life in Prague, Dresden, Taucha and the Saurierspuren near Bad Essen. Thanks a lot for your music which is really unique and stronger than the death!


At 6:23pm on June 26, 2022, Jens Mügge said…

At 7:40am on February 23, 2013, Skye Løfvander said…
At 8:14pm on March 4, 2011, David Stuetzel said…
At 12:03pm on March 4, 2011, Karen Grace said…
Wow, your voice is amazing! Thanks for featuing my track Metamorphosis. :) Karen
At 8:29pm on January 28, 2011, Julia Zech said…
Hey ja cool, ich hab auch vorher schon mal was von dir gehört (Orpheus Angel) Wirklich sehr beeindruckend!! Liebe Grüße Julia
At 1:39pm on September 8, 2010, Barbara Lübben said…
Moin Jan,
ich wünsche euch wunderschöne Obertontage ind Dresden!
Im Geiste schaue ich vorbei;-)
Viele Grüße
At 10:49am on January 1, 2010,
Karin Höghielm
Hello Jan and thank you. Keep in touch .
Best wishes Karin
At 3:13am on December 11, 2009, Steve Sklar said…
Not classical, but classic. Perhaps it doesn't translate well. But here Footprints is considered a "jazz standard"; in other words a great old piece respected and performed by many jazz musicians. Wayne Shorter is a very great master of sax and music, and a very important composer and bandleader.

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