Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Ser Yo
  • Male
  • Münster
  • Germany
  • Blog News
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Ser Yo's Connections

  • Axel Kabbe
  • Jonas Nondorf
  • Andrea de Luca
  • Max Brumberg
  • Anna-Maria Hefele
  • Jan Heinke
  • Hosoo
  • Jens Mügge
  • Miroslav Grosser

Ser Yo's Groups


Ser Yo's Page

Profile Information

About me:
I sing overtones since years, my main musical passion, clear and high, but I still can't do polyphonic, nor undertones, so I search always occasions to improve.
I play Jew's Harp since 2013, practicing practicing...
I lately discovered a passion for the overtone flute.
Another instrument I enjoy playing is the Sansula.
And since years I have the dream of getting a Hang, or something of equivalent beauty.
Live Looping and Electronic Music are other interests on which I invert some time sometimes :)
I am not a professional musician, but I love music more than any other thing, and if I only could get my money from it, I would just do that full time (also because otherwise I have too few free time for music).
Overtone Singing, Jew's Harp, Sansula, Percussions, Overtone Flute, Beatbox, Looper, DAW.
Demetrio Stratos: it was by listening to a CD of him if I started imitating him to get those strange sounds, loosing my voice, till I finally get my first Overtone (which at that time I did not know it was an Overtone).
Bruno De Franceschi: I followed a workshop with him many years ago.
Bauchklang: they have nothing to do with overtones, they make Techno Beatbox, but I jammed on stage with them, me with overtones, they with Beatbox, here in Germany on 2012, and since them my love for music and my will to dedicate more time to it has blossomed again.
Ancient Trance Festival: there I have known so many wonderful musicians, who are also on this page here... Thanks!

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At 1:38pm on August 19, 2013, Anna-Maria Hefele said…

Grüß dich ;-)
bis bald! lg Ama

At 5:20pm on August 17, 2013, Axel Kabbe said…

schön ,Dich hier wieder zu sehen. Viel Spaß und bis bald.


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