Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Vladiswar Nadishana's Comments

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At 11:23pm on March 7, 2012, Hans Tschiritsch said…

hi vladisvar! we are friends on overtone network...
i would like to get in contact with you and maybe invite you to austria.....
please send me your private email, tel. nr. etc......
hope to hear from you,all best!

At 7:54pm on September 6, 2010, Nicolas Lespinasse said…
Hi Nadishana,

an other connexion!!


At 2:04am on December 11, 2009, papajeahja Sandy Kühn said…
du hast eine wundervolle Stimme und unendlich schöne weite darin
tönendtanzende Grüße
At 2:56am on October 18, 2009, Ayla Roble said…

You are amazing :o)
Your music and your voice haunts me :O)

At 6:01pm on January 22, 2009, Galina Parfenova said…
Ах. придумщик какой! Потешил!
At 11:26pm on November 10, 2008, fiona rueggeberg said…

finest greetings, fiona
At 10:32pm on October 22, 2008, daniel namkhay said…
Hi again..I will read about the instruments...and the text in you web site....I really like to buy some of your flutes and mouth harps....I really like the qualitie ofyour work and art man...Good Luke !!! namkhay
At 6:02pm on October 22, 2008, daniel namkhay said…
Hi NAdishana..This overtone network was a real blessing and oasis for me because here in argentina r brasil, DONT EXIST THIS KINDD OF MUSIC OR INSTRUMENTS.... !!! I chek now your web site..Man..its really amazing !!!! really nice images, a lot of amazing instruments all the text !!! Congratulations...I will try to buy some cds for enjoy your music...And I will try to buy some instruments for me colection !! AWESOME !!! I have 10 cds in brazil and was a really good aceptation..I sold over 80.000 cds !!!! lets keep in touch Aloha !!! Obrigado !!! namkhay.(my web have like 8 songs in cd page) sorry its only portuguese :www.danielnamkhay.com.br)
At 3:32pm on October 13, 2008, Werner Worschech said…
hi vladiswar,
all the best for you!
At 11:03pm on August 30, 2008, Winne said…
Hello Vladiswar! I m doing great thanks!Glad you liked the sounds!When are you coming to Belgium again,was it september? I d like to come see you play.Winne
At 2:25am on August 30, 2008, Javier Monteagudo said…
Hey, regards from a old friend of the net & soulseek. All the best for your projects
At 7:26pm on August 18, 2008, Papi Moreno said…
Hi Vlad

I live near to Damanhur and Suricato is a friend..!!!

At 12:58pm on August 8, 2008, Paul Freh said…
Hi Vlad.
Your latest song "Searching the Trace" is really groovy. Impossible to keep my feet on the ground without moving. Enjoy your Day.
At 12:51pm on August 7, 2008, riccardo misto said…
Great! Thank you, Vladiswar, happy to meet you...
At 11:36am on July 25, 2008, OMN said…

Skype told me that today it is Your birthday so Happy Birthday to You, Vlad!
At 8:07am on July 1, 2008, Jens Mügge said…
Hello Vlad, I am happy about the latest activity news that you can add songs and photos again. Can you create events too? I will send you a short when Kiva visit me here in Berlin that we can organize a little gathering maybe. All the best and hope to see you again.
Yours Jens

P.S.: - your "jew's harp customer" the jew's harp on my profile photo is one of my best jew's harps with I purchased from you.
At 11:23pm on June 30, 2008, Marco Tonini said…
Hi Vlad,
can you tell me about sound microsurgery?
At 10:08am on June 27, 2008, Jan Stanek said…
Hallo Vladiswar,
You make a beatifull music!
Thank you.
At 11:22am on June 2, 2008, OMN said…
Hi Vlad,
please leave me a note if I can check your My Page with my computer. I need only a temporary password of your account. Or another solution: maybe you have deactived the cookie function of your account. Therefore you are not able to upload songs, videos and pictures. Can you delete your actual cookie setting? Maybe it works again. You can also visit me in Charlottenburg with all your stuff on a USB stick and you can try to upload new stuff with my computer.
At 11:25pm on May 31, 2008, OMN said…
Hi Vlad,
you can listen only featured songs on main page. That's new since May 2008. So it is useless that I upload a song for you.

Do you saved the ticket number from the Ning Support which you received on April 21st? I got this information because I reported also that issue for you. That was the message:


I attempted to reproduce this but am unable to at this time. Could you confirm this using a different browser? You can use a friend's computer to see if you receive the same results. You may also consider upgrading your Firefox browser to the most recent version. This will help to isolate the issue.



Please send a second email to the Ning Help Center with reference to that ticket number or send an email with reference to the ticket number: [Ning Support #115480] which was replied by Ernie.

You are now a member of www.overtone-network.org and the ranking of this network by Google is respectable. I removed the Google Ads - so I have the wish that you can enjoy all functions of this platform.


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