Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

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  • gent
  • Belgium

Winne's Connections

  • Zeger Vandenbussche
  • Lyz Cooper
  • Leyla
  • fiona rueggeberg
  • Dylan
  • Iman Kamel
  • daniel namkhay
  • ernest
  • Milan Koristek
  • valentina
  • Willi Grimm
  • Ballog
  • Roderick Zeig
  • Max Brumberg

Winne's Groups



Profile Information

About me:
Living and enjoying a life of flutemaking and playing
fujara ,overtone flutes ,drone flutes;different types of melodic flutes,persian ney,satara flutes ,jews harp...
nature,Jan Marmenout,Pavol Smutny,Bach,
http://coming soon

Winne's Photos

Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 12:44pm on February 2, 2010, Max Brumberg said…
ha, great! Greetings to Marek! Hope to spend some time together with you soon.
At 10:52pm on January 31, 2010, Max Brumberg said…
hi winnie, i was having some beautiful days with thomas the bamboo flute maker last week, he is also in spain...
and i tried making satara, wow, not so easy! just the opposite of the overtone flutes...

big hug from spain
At 8:30pm on November 12, 2008, Roderick Zeig said…
Hallo Winne, ich bin heute auf deinen Fujara's abgespacet! Da öffnen sich ganz neue Klangwelten für mich. Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Du auch der Fujara New's Group hier im Overtone-Network beitreten würdest und von Deinen Erfahrungen als Fujarist und Fujara-Bauer erzählen würdest ;-}

Freue mich auf Bald, mit freundlichen Obertönen RODI
At 2:38pm on September 6, 2008, Max Brumberg said…
Hey Winnie,

great to meet you here!
You are one of the best fujara makers i know!!

see you my friend

At 5:35pm on September 1, 2008, Anna-Maria Hefele said…
Hello, yes, I think so.
both my parents are instrument makers and I am learning a profession with which I am able to make some kind of instruments, too.;-)
It s something special, to play on a self-made instrument...
At 11:35pm on August 30, 2008, Vladiswar Nadishana said…
I'll play in Antwerp at 13th December in Heksenketel club
At 2:37pm on August 30, 2008, Vladiswar Nadishana said…
I love this F fujara sound a lot!
At 12:15pm on August 30, 2008, Vladiswar Nadishana said…
hey man! how it's going?
your fujaras are great!
Enjoy this music toy:

At 2:57pm on August 25, 2008, Roderick Zeig said…
Hallo Winne,
wie geht es Dir? Schön dich hier zu Begrüssen! Deine Aufnahmen sind fantastisch Gespielt eben auf einer Winne Clament ;-$

moit freundlichen Obertönen Rodi
At 2:25pm on August 25, 2008, valentina said…
.. I have the same problem.. Thank you again! Have a nice day!

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