I am Principal of The British Academy of Sound Therapy, based at the University of Chichester, UK. I run workshops all over the UK and overseas and love working in the landscape. My most popular workshop includes a group performance inside Stonehenge. I am passionate about the use of sound as a powerful tool for healing and transformation and the divine nature of harmonics to communicate with the 'mind of god'. One of my aims is to ground this powerful tool in the 'here and now' by introducing people to the science of sound in an easy to digest and fun way.
I sing with "MuOM, Barcelona Overtone Singing Choir" & we visit London & Wales at the end of this month! It'd be a genuine blessing for the group if you are able to attend an event or share the info with some of your contacts, if you feel inspired to do so.
Thank you & enjoy your week! Moises
"MuOM, Barcelona Overtone Singing Choir" in concert:
Friday July 25th - 8:30pm St. Peter’s Vauxhall Church (amazing acoustics!)
Vauxhall Station
£10 online now / £13 door: www.muom-london.eventbrite.co.uk
Saturday July 26th - 8:00pm St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Peace & Reconciliation ("Listen to the World Concert Series")
Liverpool Street Station
£12 - please book online: www.stethelburgas.org/events/performance
Thank you Lyz, Well done with the book, Finland was great, the Throat singing society there is very enthusiastic and welcoming. Yes, lets meet up in the near future, deep listening, Michael
At 10:10am on September 11, 2009, Jonathan Cope said…
Hi Lyz, funny meeting you here ;-)
Great news about the book, remind me of the title please?
Be wonderful to catch up sometime soon, you anywhere near London? Are you at any shows? Cruise gig very strange... lots of other wondeful stuff tho' and the studio part of our build is nearly finished so hope to be fully up-to-speed and in a nice space by Xmas.
Blessings, J
Hi Lyz,
welcome on OMN!
If you have any questions how you can use all features of this network you can check out the FAQ. Here you will find all administrative announcements and if you have any issues you can send the admin team a report via this form.
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
Am 28. November diesen Jahres (2024) begab sich der Tönerkreis München am Nordfriedhof hinunter in die historische Kanalwelt der bayerischen Metropole. Organ...
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Hi from Spain!
I sing with "MuOM, Barcelona Overtone Singing Choir" & we visit London & Wales at the end of this month! It'd be a genuine blessing for the group if you are able to attend an event or share the info with some of your contacts, if you feel inspired to do so.
Thank you & enjoy your week!
"MuOM, Barcelona Overtone Singing Choir" in concert:
Friday July 25th - 8:30pm
St. Peter’s Vauxhall Church
(amazing acoustics!)
Vauxhall Station
£10 online now / £13 door:
Saturday July 26th - 8:00pm
St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Peace & Reconciliation
("Listen to the World Concert Series")
Liverpool Street Station
£12 - please book online:
Sunday, July 27th - doors open 7:30pm
Llangollen Fringe Festival, Wales (closing concert)
(in the ruins of a spectacular abbey)
£7.50 - please book online:
Facebook event page for all 3 concerts:
(your click on "going" genuinely helps :)
video clips:

(new, short clip) www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=691106300984279
thank you for your compliments. i am very happy that you like my works of art. i wish you and the people you love all the best
with king regards
Great news about the book, remind me of the title please?
Be wonderful to catch up sometime soon, you anywhere near London? Are you at any shows? Cruise gig very strange... lots of other wondeful stuff tho' and the studio part of our build is nearly finished so hope to be fully up-to-speed and in a nice space by Xmas.
Blessings, J
welcome on OMN!
If you have any questions how you can use all features of this network you can check out the FAQ. Here you will find all administrative announcements and if you have any issues you can send the admin team a report via this form.