Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Karin Höghielm's Comments

Comment Wall (19 comments)

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At 7:46pm on June 10, 2010, Ann-Charlotte Magnusson said…
Hej, Karin!
Jag gillar verkligen din sång och musik!

Bästa hälsningar
At 1:44pm on May 26, 2010, Jens Mügge said…
Hey Karin,

your new avatar photo looks really beautiful! You have a good photographer!

All the best,
At 12:25pm on May 26, 2010, Lothar Berger said…
Hello Karin,
I did'nt yet build up contacts to Sweden. But it would be very nice to give a conceert and overtone workshop in Sweden. Let's see if there could be any kind of cooperation.
refards Lothar
At 12:19am on May 26, 2010, Lothar Berger said…
Thanks for the friendship. I can give back the compliment. Very inspiring voice and music, and what a vast range of colours in your voice. Like specially the 'simplicity' of the Lausongs.
Best wishes from Cologne
At 4:54pm on February 17, 2010, Skye Løfvander said…
Der er her på OMN oprettet et Nordisk Forum under 'Groups'
Her er intro-teksten:
Med syngende vingefjer og skrigende halse flyver fem svaner (+ Åland, Grønland & Færøerne) på opdagelse i overtoners univers. Sigtet er det samme som det overordnede netværk men sproget skandinavisk og fokus på nordiske temaer og begivenheder.
At 11:32am on February 15, 2010, Skye Løfvander said…
Hello Karin,
Thank you for these samples of fascinating music!
I am a little curious about where you did the recordings for the 'Lausongs'.
If you feel like sharing the information, please visit this link on OMN.
I suppose we'll meet some time
At 12:23am on January 6, 2010, Claudia said…
Thank you for the friendship Karin, glad I met you.
LOVE the music on your page! Is that your voice? Beautiful!
I am sure coming back for more :-)

Love and peace

At 5:20pm on December 31, 2009,
Jan Heinke
thanks karin. nice to have your beautiful voice here. wish you all the best for the upcoming year. hopefully we'll have an opportunity to meet each other. hearty greetings, jan
At 6:12pm on December 30, 2009, Ian Bederman said…
Hello Karin,
I would like to see you in my "Intuitive music orchestra" and to co-operate with you in another projects.
Happy New Year
At 10:51am on September 30, 2009, wolfman said…

dear karin,

now we are friends in this space. you have a wonderful voice and while i was listening to your songs, i felt, that the photo above is the right one to fit.

with king regards

At 9:00pm on September 5, 2009, Ayla Roble said…

I Karin. I really like the different registers of your voice sometimes almost gothic ... dark and mysterious, round and ... with body ... like good wine :-) Sorry, I don't speak english I hope you can understand me. Thanks a lot for your works :-)

A hug from Spain.

At 1:42pm on January 17, 2009, Arjopa said…
Dear Karin!!
Thanx a lot for your freindship,here!!
Your music & your voice are absolutly wonderful!!

Hope you like our Khoomei Throatsinging Country Punk,too!!

Greetings from Berlin!!

Arjopa & The Master U-like

At 11:24pm on September 10, 2008, Lorena Fontana said…
Dear Karin,
thanx for your request, I enjoyed your tracks a lot !
Very interesting combinations : brava!
Let's be in touch.

At 4:06pm on September 9, 2008, Uryuyama Overtone Ensemble said…
Thanks for your request.
I heard "Lame'nto" very familiar and nostalgic.
This song resembles to our Japanese traditional folk song.
At 2:37pm on September 9, 2008, Werner Worschech said…
Hello Karin,
I very much enjoyed listening to your work. Very beautiful, powerful and unique pieces (also on myspace).
Thanks for your friendship! Please keep in contact with me, I hope we meet us someday in the real world on this planet!
Welcome, Sister!
At 9:04pm on September 8, 2008, Marteinn Bjarnar Thordarson said…
Thanks for the friend request and lovely comments!
I like your chants very much!
Greetings.. Marteinn
At 1:40pm on September 8, 2008, Brigitte Rieke said…
Hej Karin,

kul att höra att du sjunger övertoner .... jag har inte tidigare hört talas om övertoner på det sätt som denna hemsida har visat mig ... Jens bjöd in mig till detta forum varför jag accepterade - i övrigt är jag buddhist och det är så Jens och jag känner varandra
tack för vän-inbjudan
ha en härlig dag
At 12:59pm on September 8, 2008, kiva simova said…
Hi Karin
Thanks for the request. We share a common goal in combining different styles of singing with overtoning. Please keep in contact so we can see what each other is doing!
At 12:17am on September 4, 2008, OMN said…
Hello Karin, if you have any questions you can contact me directly per Email. So all informations about this kind of network you will find in my blog post about OMN and your options. I am wishing you new contacts. I know that some musician started a collaboration and that's great. You find me here as a musician and as the admin of OMN.
Best wishes

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