Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

I've a little idea.
I would like to insert 1 or 2 file audio, or more, (wav or mp3 full version or extract with some technical notes) for everyone of you in my blog.
Obviously I insert yours name and link to yours site or web space and a link to overtones.ning.
What do you think about?

Thanks to all!

This content has been seen 37 times

Comment by Jan Heinke on June 5, 2008 at 1:29pm
hi marco,
i'm glad to meet you here. thank you four your activities to explore and to improve the possibilities of human voices, and for your very interesting music. yes, i am agree if you want to use a song from my page. good luck.
Comment by Marco Tonini on June 5, 2008 at 3:46pm
Hi Jan,
it's ok!!
I must explain better. To insert a file audio in my personal blog (www.marcotonini.wordpress.com) each member must send me some mp3 (full or extract) at tertium dot auris at gmail dot com. I will create a page with author's news, space web link, mp3, 1 or 2 photo, and so on.


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