Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

May 2008 Blog News (3)

If you want to listen to khoomei style (Mongolia, Tuva and others) , you can visit this link : http://tranquanghai.musicblog.fr/r23765/Video-Overtones/ If you want to listen to Jew's harps of diffe…

If you want to listen to khoomei style (Mongolia, Tuva and others) , you can visit this link :

If you want to listen to Jew's harps of different countries , there are more than 100 clips on this link:

http://tranquanghai.musicblog.fr/r23766/Video-Jew-s-Harp/ Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on May 12, 2008 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Seminare für Obertongesang

Das Ziel des Seminars ist es, den Teilnehmern umfassende Informationen über Obertongesang zu bieten. - Ein Seminar dauert gewöhnlich nur einen Tag.

Inhalte des Seminars

  • Ein wenig Theorie in Form einer Vorlesung, was Obertöne sind, wie er in jedem Ton steckt, wie die Obertonreihe aussieht, was saubere und was temperierte Stimmung ist, über Existenz der Untertöne - wirkliche und scheinbare, auf welche Art man einen Oberton singen kann: Grundlagen der »ng-Technik«,…

Added by Jan Stanek on May 9, 2008 at 8:00am — No Comments

Returned from Sweden

I have just returned with overtonechoir Spektrum from our first choir tour! We were in Sweden. I would like to thank to Göesta Peterssen and Midnights Choir for invitation and fantastically kind hosting of our choir members in homes of families of MidnightsChoir-members. I felt like home - and most of us felt similarily, we were talking about it on our way home.

We had 9 concerts in total. 2 of them in Germany and 1 in Denmark - on our ways: there… Continue

Added by Filip Rydlo on May 4, 2008 at 1:30pm — No Comments

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Arjopa posted a video

Out in the Woods

#throatsinging #campanula #longsong #lyrics by #arjopa #throatsinger #voiceshaman #musicshaman
Geo Goidaci posted a status
"Improvised concert in a Graveyard in Gräfelfing by Munich 2018 Ludger Bartels and me we love overtones :)"
Jul 17
Geo Goidaci posted a status
Jul 17
Jens Mügge commented on Arjopa's video
Jul 17
Arjopa commented on Arjopa's video
Jul 16
Arjopa posted a video

Arjopa - Live

Bereits seit Anfang der 90er Jahre wurde Arjopa von namhaften tuvinischen Khoomei-Meistern wie Gendos Chamzyryn, Mogün-ool & Kongar-ool Ondar & Albert Kuve...
Jul 16
Thomas Mörth posted videos
Jul 15
papajeahja Sandy Kühn updated their profile
Jul 15
Jens Mügge posted a blog post
Jul 13
Andreas Eder posted a video

Farbklänge, Obertöne beim Orgelstimmen

Während meines Besuches der Kathedrale von Chartres im Juni 2024 wurde gerade ein Register der neuen Orgel gestimmt, die bis 2025 fertiggestellt sein soll. I...
Jul 9
Sukadev Bretz posted a video

Sundaram & Friends - Shri Ganesha

Performed by Sundaram and Friends at Yoga Vidya Easter Concert 2024http://www.sundaram.de/https://sundaram.de/shop/You can share the video with others, to sp...
Jul 3
Aionigma updated an event

Obertonkonzert zum Sommerbeginn at Evangelische Kirche

June 8, 2024 from 7pm to 8:30pm
Jun 1

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