Hello again, Youlaine!
By mistake a new comment square came up and I don´t know how to erase it. But I can tell you about my picture. It is a photo taken by me in France 2007. I was walking with a dog towards the little village Lablachére in Ardeche, some hours after a thunderrain. Suddenly I discovered this water in the middle of the road, like a mirror for the green leaves and the sky. Since I have no photos of myself on the computer I chose this for my identity. "I´m like a mirror!?" I very much hope to keep in touch with you in the future! Annelie
It was very nice to meet you and share the different workshops at the overtone festival in Lund. Thank you som much for your help when I was trying to sing "like" Hooso. I have practised a little during the week, but I still can´t hear the overtones, just occationally.
I hope to see you again. Best Wishes from Annelie!
At 4:56pm on February 11, 2009, Paul Terrell said…
Hi Yolaine. Thanks for the friendship request. I have just uploaded some music so now you can also hear some of our music as well. I am sorry that I will miss you and all my friends at the Overtone festival in Lund as I will be in India. Enjoy, paul T.
Hello Yolaine!
You are coming to Scandinavian Overtone Singing Festival, that`s great! What workshops do you like to join?
Take a look at www.overtone.se!
Hallo Yolaine,
ich weiß nicht, ob du meine Begrüßungsemail gelesen hattest, aber so hole ich meine Begrüßung noch einmal nach. Schön, dass ich dich als drittes Mitglied in diesem Netzwerk begrüßen konnte. Und danke dafür, dass du mittlerweile schon einige gute Leute hierher eingeladen hast. Ich hoffe, es geht dir gut und freue mich, dich wiederzusehen.
Alles Beste,
Chère Yolaine,
Je suis très content de savoir que vous êtes française.
J'espère avoir une occasion de vous rencontrer peut être en France ou en Allemagne .
tran quang hai
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dear yolaine,
thank you for your friendship in this omn-space. i wish you all the best for 2010 and i hope you loke my work.
swinging regards
By mistake a new comment square came up and I don´t know how to erase it. But I can tell you about my picture. It is a photo taken by me in France 2007. I was walking with a dog towards the little village Lablachére in Ardeche, some hours after a thunderrain. Suddenly I discovered this water in the middle of the road, like a mirror for the green leaves and the sky. Since I have no photos of myself on the computer I chose this for my identity. "I´m like a mirror!?" I very much hope to keep in touch with you in the future! Annelie
It was very nice to meet you and share the different workshops at the overtone festival in Lund. Thank you som much for your help when I was trying to sing "like" Hooso. I have practised a little during the week, but I still can´t hear the overtones, just occationally.
I hope to see you again. Best Wishes from Annelie!
You are coming to Scandinavian Overtone Singing Festival, that`s great! What workshops do you like to join?
Take a look at www.overtone.se!
See you in Lund soon!
ich weiß nicht, ob du meine Begrüßungsemail gelesen hattest, aber so hole ich meine Begrüßung noch einmal nach. Schön, dass ich dich als drittes Mitglied in diesem Netzwerk begrüßen konnte. Und danke dafür, dass du mittlerweile schon einige gute Leute hierher eingeladen hast. Ich hoffe, es geht dir gut und freue mich, dich wiederzusehen.
Alles Beste,
R.I.P.Tran Quang Hai said…
Je suis très content de savoir que vous êtes française.
J'espère avoir une occasion de vous rencontrer peut être en France ou en Allemagne .
tran quang hai
R.I.P.Tran Quang Hai said…
I have just accepted your request as my friend of overtone music network.
Hope to meet you some day
Tran Quang Hai
R.I.P.Jan Heinke said…
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