Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Nicolas MOREAU
  • Male
  • Paris
  • France

Nicolas MOREAU's Connections

  • Teddy Guilbaud
  • Javier Nahum
  • The Gongman
  • uRYa
  • Diphoo
  • Rowan Lee Hartsuiker
  • David Hykes
  • Tran Quang Hai
  • Steve Sklar
  • Bodo Maass
  • Jens Mügge
  • Jonathan Cope

Nicolas MOREAU's Groups


Nicolas MOREAU's Page

Profile Information

About me:
I'm learning throat singing. Khoomeï, Sygyt, Kargyraa....
I'm very interested in Tuva throat singing since i've heard this music !

I would like to play Morin Khuur or Igil also.
I play guitar, flute, harmonica

Nicolas MOREAU's Blog News

Khoomeï diary

I'm now more confortable with my chest voice, and how to produce overtones.

I got a good idea of what to do in order to sing khoomeï, sygyt and kargyraa.

I will spend more time and practice on these styles before going to borbannadyr, ezengileer and chylandyk.

I'll be happy to share with other singers, i'm also looking for an Igil, a Tsuur Flute or a good Khomus.

My first choice would be an Igil, so hard to find here in France....

But a good Temir Khomus will give…


Posted on February 3, 2014 at 4:29pm —

Beginner's thoughts about Khoomeï and Sygyt

Two different techniques of throat singing. Both use the Xorekteer voice. I try in the new sample (Khoomeitest and Sygytest) to sing in these two styles. It's not so easy ;-)

Khoomeï test : i sing with the Xorekteer voice and then i make a O with my mouth and lips. I feel that the high harmonics are harder to sing than the low. I use the tongue to select the harmonic, i've notice that it works like the Harmonica technique called Bending.

Sygyt test : well, same thing. I… Continue

Posted on January 29, 2010 at 12:05am —

Xorekteer Closed

Xorekteer Closed is a small Mp3 to show what happened when i sing with my Xorekteer voice and i close the lips in order to make a O.

Any hints appreciated!

Posted on January 23, 2010 at 10:30pm —

Xorekteer Voice

I've uploaded a new track : Xorekteer-vowels. In this track i try to sing the Xorekteer voice and to use the root of my tongue to sing some vowels. The Xorekteer voice is the Khoomeï fondations so i have to "master it" before going to Khoomeï and Sygyt.

Posted on January 21, 2010 at 1:54pm —

Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 11:34pm on February 3, 2010, Nicolas MOREAU said…
i've uploaded a new sample of my khoomeï evolution
At 2:39pm on February 2, 2010,
The Gongman
Mais suis pas francais moi! :)

Suis née en angleterre mais suis pas anglais non plus.Suis un citoyen du monde.

La musique est une langue international en tout cas :)
At 8:52am on February 1, 2010,
The Gongman
Salut Nicolas!

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