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Beginner's thoughts about Khoomeï and Sygyt

Two different techniques of throat singing. Both use the Xorekteer voice. I try in the new sample (Khoomeitest and Sygytest) to sing in these two styles. It's not so easy ;-)

Khoomeï test : i sing with the Xorekteer voice and then i make a O with my mouth and lips. I feel that the high harmonics are harder to sing than the low. I use the tongue to select the harmonic, i've notice that it works like the Harmonica technique called Bending.

Sygyt test : well, same thing. I sing with the Xorekteer voice first then i raise the tip of my tongue like when i say the letter L. My feeling is that is the same technique to select the harmonics, maybe i'm wrong ? I don't move the lips actually. I can sing high harmonics better than in Khoomeï.

Well, it was my really first impressions about these two styles. I'm going to sing everyday and try to improve. It's a wonderful music and i really want to sing in Khoomeï. By the way i'm reading a book called "Where Rivers and Mountains Sing..." about Khoomeï, Tuva, culture... It's a really good book so if you're interested in Khoomeï buy it ! ;-)

If you have any tips you are welcome ! Or if you just want to share your feeling about Khoomeï you're welcome too.


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