Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

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Mila's Connections

  • European Overtone Choir
  • Stepan Tusjak
  • Wanda Dobrovska
  • Adela
  • Silvia Gajdošíková
  • Litvik Petr
  • Jonas Nondorf
  • daniel namkhay
  • Juraj
  • Monika Sramlova
  • Yasin Nastainczyk
  • Roderick Zeig
  • Radka Šindlerová
  • Hanka Rydlova

Mila's Page

Profile Information

As a band we are:
Overtone choir Spektrum
European Overtone Choir

Comment Wall (15 comments)

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At 5:10pm on October 23, 2008, Monika Sramlova said…
Cauky Milusiii, jak se Ti vede v tyto podzimni dny? :o)
Ja se mam dobre, vse bezi jako po dratkach. Rada Te zase nekdy uvidim. jo, a nechtela bys prijit na muj hlasovy workshop, ktery poradam tuto SO 25.10. v A Centru 10-15h?? Budu mluvit o jedne bajecne hlasove technice, o spravnem dechu, a taky pracovat se zajemci na nejakych individualnich hlasovych problemech.
Zatim papaa a dej mi vedet, mas-li zajem :o)
At 1:05am on October 22, 2008, Litvik Petr said…
ahoj milo, máte příští týden alikvotky?Moc se těším,až Vás uslyším a společně si zazpíváme.Jsem teď už konečně doma,cesta byla dlouhá,nádherná.Spoustu jsem se zase naučil.Tisíce pozdravů z točníka.Opatruj se @:o))))))))))))))))
At 3:21pm on September 29, 2008, Adela said…
Ahoj andilku! Jeste se v tom tady moc nevyznam, ale nasla jsem tu tvoji zpravu, jupi. Je, a ze vim, z jakeho okna to koukas... :-) Angeli*
At 6:35pm on September 25, 2008, Silvia Gajdošíková said…
Ahoj Milo! Zdravim te a pozivam na zajimave akce-viz. Czech space! Rada te uvidim a zaparime! papa
At 7:12am on September 22, 2008, OMN said…
Ahoj Mila, čas byl velmi krátký, ale to bylo nádherné v Praze! Jsem vděčný, že jsem měl setkání s Vámi znovu. Zůstaňte dobře, a postarat se, - the time was very short but it was wonderful in Prague! I am thankful that I had meet you again. Stay well and take care,
na shledanou, good bye,
At 10:59pm on September 21, 2008, Litvik Petr said…
ahoj milo
At 3:40am on September 17, 2008, daniel namkhay said…
hola (hello ) que bueno estuviste en mis conciertos en PRAGA !!!que maravilla (its amazing wonderfull you was there !!!! WWWOOOOWWWWWW !! its a rela little amazing world !!! Un gran abrazo para ti .Año que viene vuelvo a praga para tocar !!....(a big hug for you the next year I will come back to praga. TO PLAYYYYY !!!.THE PEACEFUL TRIBE ITS ..working !!! good night !!!! namkhay
At 7:10pm on September 16, 2008, daniel namkhay said…
hello Mila....Thanks for be my first overtone friend..I love Prague and the last year I play many performances there ...Its a fantastic people and I really love the 45 days there..>!!! This two new songs are ...(how I say !!??) its not for sale this cds YET !!Wiil be ready only in 2 months...!!! Are only little, small mp3 only 1 mit 45 " but you can feel the feeling...Good to ear you !!! big hug !! namkhay
At 9:12pm on August 23, 2008, kiva simova said…
Hi Mila
I agree with Stuart- that your singing is very strong. Maybe we should form a trio- me, you and Honza. You have a wonderful soul.
See you again soon.
xo kiva
At 3:33am on August 22, 2008, Stuart Hinds said…
It was great to see you again. Your singing is so much more confident than last year. Keep up the good work, and keep in touch. I hope to return to Czech Republic soon. Sh

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