Hello Petr,
it would be a pleasure for us to play your music in our webradio:
My address :
Woodroot music.group
Armin Wechselberger
Winterstellergasse 11 a
A 6130 Schwaz (Austria)
thanks a lot that you are one of the first who followed OMN on Twitter! I think twitter is very useful to make a short report there what's happened here day by day! And your new song Budha is fantastic ... I love it! It is very meditative and mesmerising in a positive way.
myslela jsem si, že jsi to Ty:-)
Zitra mame zkousku, ale takovou improvizovanou bez sbormistra.
Jestli budeš chtit přijít se podívat, ale aby Tě to neodradilo....
Tak je to v Gymnaziu Postupicka.
Potom od 29.9. už budeme mít zkoušky na Holešovicích a se sbormistrem.
Tak mi kdyžtak písni, jak budeš chtít. Zatim ahoj. Mila
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Am 28. November diesen Jahres (2024) begab sich der Tönerkreis München am Nordfriedhof hinunter in die historische Kanalwelt der bayerischen Metropole. Organ...
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it would be a pleasure for us to play your music in our webradio:
My address :
Woodroot music.group
Armin Wechselberger
Winterstellergasse 11 a
A 6130 Schwaz (Austria)
Thanx a lot for your friendship,here!!
Your music is really wonderful!!
Hope you like our Khoomei Throatsinging Country Punk,too!!
Greetings from Berlin!!
Arjopa & The Master U-like
thanks a lot that you are one of the first who followed OMN on Twitter! I think twitter is very useful to make a short report there what's happened here day by day! And your new song Budha is fantastic ... I love it! It is very meditative and mesmerising in a positive way.
All the best,
thank You for friendship.
how did You find me?
best regards,
myslela jsem si, že jsi to Ty:-)
Zitra mame zkousku, ale takovou improvizovanou bez sbormistra.
Jestli budeš chtit přijít se podívat, ale aby Tě to neodradilo....
Tak je to v Gymnaziu Postupicka.
Potom od 29.9. už budeme mít zkoušky na Holešovicích a se sbormistrem.
Tak mi kdyžtak písni, jak budeš chtít. Zatim ahoj. Mila