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Profile Information
About me:
I am working as an overtonesinger since 1991 and learned singing overtones from 1990 to 1992. My teachers were Siegfried Eberlein, Reinhard Schimmelpfeng and Sangit Waldner. I had my first appearance as an overtonesinger in Germany at the "Musicum"-jazzfestival in Brunswick, founded the bands "Pangaea" and "Project Pan", performed on several occasions, for instance the "Masala Weltbeat-Festival" Hannover and on German television 1995. 2004 the singer and guitarplayer Philip Heinemeyer, the Bodhran-player Niall McQuaid and me founded the Band "Aurora Borealis". But she just existed for one concert (january the 24th 2004 at Camphill Community, Ballytoban), because my attempt to settle in Ireland failed. Since 1999 I sing solo and also perform within Europe, for instance on the "Spirit of Voice"-Festival in Galway/Ireland.
Hey Frank, I see you were busking in Galway for a while. I'm planning to do the same this summer....though i've never busked with overtone singing and i can see some difficulties in getting peoples attention. any advice?? did you need amplification? have you any videos that i could check out?
all the best,
Hallo Frank,
jetzt stehst Du auch hier auf meiner Freundesliste, ich war ganz entsetzt, als ich Dich da gar nicht gefunden hatte. Dein Abschlußstück hat mein Aufnahmeleiter leider nicht mehr auf die MD gekriegt, die restlichen Aufnahmen habe ich auch noch gar nicht gehört.
Grüße und bis bald
Hey Frank!
Now I'm staying in Germany. No plan to return to Canada. Leaving Aachen on Wed to perform in Prague this weekend. I would like to get together sometime after mid-July. Still deciding where to stay then.
Hi Frank, good that you found me on MySpace and I invited you in our new community. I am happy to know you and your are really a good fellow for me. Hope to see you in Berlin soon to busk with you in my Kiez or near the Brandenburger Tor,
see you
your friend Jens
Hello Frank,
thanks a lot for your support as »my translator and revisor« of some important texts - for example the Community Guidelines. That was a great help to construct this centrepiece of our network.
Yours jm
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all the best,
Be well,
... weil heute heute ist - liebe Grüße - Frank
Freue mich von dir noch mehr zu hören.
mit Freundlichen Obertönen Roderick
jetzt stehst Du auch hier auf meiner Freundesliste, ich war ganz entsetzt, als ich Dich da gar nicht gefunden hatte. Dein Abschlußstück hat mein Aufnahmeleiter leider nicht mehr auf die MD gekriegt, die restlichen Aufnahmen habe ich auch noch gar nicht gehört.
Grüße und bis bald
Now I'm staying in Germany. No plan to return to Canada. Leaving Aachen on Wed to perform in Prague this weekend. I would like to get together sometime after mid-July. Still deciding where to stay then.
see you
your friend Jens
thanks a lot for your support as »my translator and revisor« of some important texts - for example the Community Guidelines. That was a great help to construct this centrepiece of our network.
Yours jm