Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

  • Female
  • Berlin
  • Germany

Arjopa's Connections

  • Martin Philippe
  • Völven
  • David Stuetzel
  • Billy Fox
  • Martin Bläse
  • Axel Kabbe
  • Dainius Jucius
  • Jeremy Allan Michael Sills
  • Alexander Glenfield
  • Xevi Compte
  • Thomas Bertolf
  • Steven Williams
  • Jürgen Götz
  • tim wheater
  • Gonca Gurses van Herpen

Arjopa's Groups

Latest Activity

Arjopa posted a video

Out in the Woods

#throatsinging #campanula #longsong #lyrics by #arjopa #throatsinger #voiceshaman #musicshaman
Jul 25
Jens Mügge commented on Arjopa's video

Arjopa - Live

"Dear Arjopa, thanks for your message via Email. It seems that you can login in to OMN :D - yes, and thanks for new video. Great stuff!"
Jul 17
Arjopa commented on Arjopa's video

Arjopa - Live

"Since the early 1990s, Arjopa has been trained in Tuva by well-known Tuvan Khoomei masters such as Gendos Chamzyryn, Mogün-ool & Kongar-ool Ondar & Albert Kuvezin (Yat-Kha). They encouraged Arjopa to build a bridge between traditional…"
Jul 16
Arjopa posted a video

Arjopa - Live

Bereits seit Anfang der 90er Jahre wurde Arjopa von namhaften tuvinischen Khoomei-Meistern wie Gendos Chamzyryn, Mogün-ool & Kongar-ool Ondar & Albert Kuve...
Jul 16
Arjopa commented on Arjopa's video

Arjopa: Coming Soon !

"ir richtig ab: Filmmusik, Vlogging,Graphic Novel, Konzerte..... Natürlich halte ich Dich, als einen meiner ältesten/liebsten Unterstützer auf dem Laufenden! Bis Bald!! Deine Arjopa"
Nov 14, 2021
Jens Mügge commented on Arjopa's video

Arjopa: Coming Soon !

"Amazing! Your voice is so powerful! Thanks a lot for sharing your music and work, dear Arjopa! Greetings, Jens P.S.: For this month I have featured one of your soundcloud tracks on the start page of OMN."
Nov 14, 2021
Arjopa posted videos
Nov 10, 2021

Arjopa - The leading female Khoomeiji from the Western World !

Profile Information

About me:
Arjopa & The Master U-like

Horse-Head Fiddle & Tuvan Throat Singing Voice(s) meets Electronix

Arjopa & The Master U-like weave a “Magic Carpet” of Siberian Khoomei (Throat Singing), hypnotic String Sounds, Jew's Harp- flangers, evocative beats and lyrics in 4 languages (English, German, Russian & Tuvan).
Their Trance Siberian Khoomei Sounds are a magical synthesis of modern Western music, advanced electronic sounds & traditional Asian instruments and vocal techniques. Arjopa & The Master U-like create odd sound collages, that takes audience into a world beyond time and space. Their sounds make even Taiga Spirits dance!

Arjopa: Throat Singing, Vocals, Guitars, Dosh Puluur, Morin Khuur

Arjopa - The leading female Throat Singer from the Western World (born in Berlin, Germany), has the raceptance of well known Tuvan Khoomei Masters such as: Albert Kuvezin (Yat-Kha), Mongün-ool Ondar (Chirgilchin), Kongar-ool Ondar (Movie: “Genghis Blues") and Genady Tchamzyrym (Gendos).
Arjopa grew up in Berlin with the Russian-Siberian music of her ancestors, that emigrated from South Siberia to Germany in early 20th century. Since her earliest youth she deals with the ancient asian vocal techniques and mixes them with western music, and elements of Jazz and Folk-Ro

The Master U-like: Drums, Advanced Electronix,
Mouth Harps (Khomus,Vargan)
The Master U-like studied percussion, sound design and programming in Berlin, at
SAE Institute. He learned to play the shamanic Frame Drum (Düng Dür) and Mouth Harp (Khomus, Vargan) with masters in Siberia. His soundscapes correspond in a unique and remarkable way with Arjopa ́s magical voice
Featured Artists: Various musicians on guitar, bass, didgeridoo, cello and more.
As a band we are:
Arjopa: Professional Musican , Khoomei Throat Singing, Guitar, Morin-Khuur, Banjo, Khomus ( Jew´s Harp / Jaw´s Harp) Dosh Palur, Chanzi
Composing, Lyrix, Shamanic Pop Art

Ulike - The Master U-Like:Professional Musican, Drums, Khomus ( Jaw´sHarp / Jew´s Harp), Composing, Lyrix
Porgramming, Engineering

feat. Artists on: Guitar, Banjo, Didgeridoo, Drums, Percussion......



FOR BOOKING: arjopa-team@web.de
see above
Albert Kuvezin, Yat-Kha, Tuvan Throat Singing, Tuva,
Bluegrass, Spirits, Spiritmasters, Nature, Dao Music

Arjopa's Blog News

Arjopa`New CD: That´s Arjopa

Arjopa`New CD: That´s Arjopa

Genre: World, Rock, Throat Singing, Folk

I’ve heard my share of throat singing from traditional world music to pop covers. But I do not think I’ve heard anything like Arjopa. First, she may be the first female throat singer I’ve heard. Second, her music is neither strictly traditional or pop. Her website… Continue

Posted on February 11, 2011 at 7:00pm —

Arjopa's Photos

Comment Wall (91 comments)

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At 12:58pm on May 22, 2015, Völven said…

Hi Arjopa, thanks fürs ädden, liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz ;)

At 1:33am on March 3, 2011, David Stuetzel said…

ja ich mag eure musik!

j. s. bachs wohltemperierte säge (neue version mit doppelbild)

 und du hast mir so schön geschrieben..

At 9:52am on March 2, 2011, David Stuetzel said…
At 3:02pm on January 29, 2011, uRYa said…
Hello Arjopa,
Thanks for the request and nice to meet you here. Always a pleasure to listen to your music.
At 6:19pm on January 25, 2011, Erika-Ha said…
Liebe Arjopa,

war gerade auf youtube and watched your slide show and the mushrooms; Dingeldey war das Erste, was ich hörte -hier-, und es begeisterte mich sofort. Die Kombination von folk rock and throatsinging and overtones bringt ein reizvolles Ergebnis, schön wild wie die grandiosen Landschaften der Mongolei - toll, toll, toll!!
Ich bin am Anfang von Obertonsingen, absolut learner, und ich hatte mich sehr gefreut auf den Workshop bei dir, doch leider muss ich absagen wegen "baby sitten" bei meiner Tochter, zu schade...!!! Ich hoffe, dass ich später einmal kommen kann, ich werde öfter auf deine Seite schauen.

Viel Spaß und viel Erfolg bei dem Workshop!
Liebe Grüße, Erika
At 10:09pm on January 13, 2011, Martin Bläse said…
Hi Arjopa,
klar gefällt mir Eure Musik, deshalb hab ich mich ja gemeldet :-)
Wäre ja noch ein Grund mehr, mal wieder nach Berlin zu kommen...
Da hab ich 1993 mit meinen Klangschalen angefangen. Das Atelier, das man hier sieht war früher meine Werkstatt, aber jetzt leb ich im Wald in einer ehemaligen Dorfschule.
Den Khoomei-Gesang kenne ich von Hosoo, der einmal im Jahr bei uns zu Besuch kommt. Und was Ihr so macht, Respekt! Ich freue mich immer wenn aus alten Wurzeln etwas Neues wächst.
Herzlich Grüße von der Ostsee
At 12:53am on December 28, 2010, Billy Fox said…
Enjoying the mix of tradition and innovation in your music!
At 10:40pm on November 13, 2010, Axel Kabbe said…
Hallo Arjopa ! Danke für Contact+Comment und liebe Grüße nach Berlin. Macht Spaß, Deine Sounds zu hören und die Bilder/Videos anzusehen.Vielleicht bald mal wieder in echt. Alles Liebe, Axel
At 10:57pm on September 14, 2010, Felix Mönnich said…
Hallo Arjopa,
vielen Dank fürs Finden.
Mach weiter so!
Kehlige Grüße
At 9:35am on August 27, 2010, Jens Mügge said…
Dearest Arjopa,

your music is really unique and fascinating. Thanks a lot for your member engagement here in this network. Have you seen that this site has a new feature called leaderboards - you are one of the Top Members there, actually the No. 1

Wish to listen and join a concert with you soon again.
All the best,

yours Jens

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Jens Mügge commented on the event 'Klangwelten – Obertonkonzert'
Toralf Friesecke posted an event

Weißer Gesang Workshop at Bürgerhaus Christuskirche

October 26, 2024 all day
Oct 12
Jens Mügge updated an event

Klangwelten – Obertonkonzert at FREISTIL - Kunst-Studio

October 19, 2024 from 7:30pm to 9:15pm
Oct 12
Toralf Friesecke updated their profile
Oct 9
Toralf Friesecke is now in contact with Jens Mügge
Oct 9
Toralf Friesecke is now a member of OMN ...

Welcome Toralf Friesecke!
Oct 8
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Sep 21
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Sep 14

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