Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Overtone Singing Techniques


Overtone Singing Techniques

There are many ways to produce vocal overtones. It depends by the structure of our vocal tract - tongue, cavities, ... - and our sensitiveness. We could explain our technique here.

Members: 102
Latest Activity: Sep 21


Essential requirements to sing without fear to damage vocal folds are:
1 - technique control
2 - consciousness and sensitiveness about personal limits

I think that we must remove some doubts:

- vocal range = all frequencies and noise between our extreme vocal limits (shrieks, yells, several noises, hissing sounds)

- vocal extension = all frequencies emitted with cleaning, with well controlled formants, without excessive effort

"Range" interval is larger than "extension" interval, that is more comfortable and safe.

Now we must distinguish between EFFICIENCY and EFFICACY.

An efficient voice involves a complete physiologic control of our vocal system, to obtain properly our vocal objective.

A voice is effective, not efficient, when our vocal system wants to obtain a good result in any case, at any cost.

When we can't obtain an efficient voice we move toward an effective voice with consequent incorrect behaviours of, and damages to, our vocal system.

Discussion Forum

How to teach overtone singing to a choir ... 1 Reply

Started by Jens Mügge. Last reply by Iannis Psallidakos Apr 6, 2018.

Invisible Instruments #1 Overtonesinging 2 Replies

Started by Jens Mügge. Last reply by Steven Sells Sep 4, 2014.

'lips, tongue, nose and throat singing' 8 Replies

Started by Dean Frenkel. Last reply by 1x2nbseym7ijt May 9, 2011.

Freeing the Voice by Igor Ezendam 5 Replies

Started by Jens Mügge. Last reply by 1x2nbseym7ijt Dec 3, 2010.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Giovanni Bortoluzzi on February 18, 2015 at 7:35pm

Hi everyone! I'm searching for a strohbass tutorial on the internet, anyone kind enough to suggest me a link or some other informations? Thanks! Gio

Comment by Giovanni Bortoluzzi on February 15, 2015 at 11:46am

Thank you very much Filip! Very precious informations you gave me. :-)

Comment by Filip Rydlo on February 15, 2015 at 10:54am

Re: Low Kargyraa

In reply to Giovanni Bortoluzzi :

Just extend the range and extension of normal vocal and the "HALF" frequencies will go along with it (at least it did in my experience). :-)

My master-teacher Wolfgang Saus would surely tell You more details, but this is what I know from him - what You can do to improve the vocal range and extension behind Your low limits:
1. You can train the vocal folds to be stronger and thus heavier. You can perhaps do this in several ways I think. Either You can sing every day for some 15 minutes or more very loud in Your most natural pitch (but still within the safety limit - extension). Or You can learn and practice for example Laughter-Yoga. Once I started to sing on FULL power, I really started to get also to lower tones. But it takes some usually some 1 or two years.
2. You can relax vocal folds more and even more for example by practicing meditation and singing mantras. This will also help them to vibrate slower with time (also confirmed in my experience).
3. Before the performance, You can do a really powerful and thorough warmup - which will bring more blood into the vocal cords making them heavier... (and I would add : lay on the floor or carpet for a few minutes - to make them even more heavy if needed). :)
Wolfgang said the warmup can add an additional 1 or 2 tones lower in the extension!

This is all I know. Good luck and have fun! :-)

*May all beings be happy*

Comment by Luca Recupero on November 24, 2013 at 3:27pm

Hallo Everyone,
I hope I'm not too rude if I use this wall to announce an Overtones Event we're organizing in Catania, Sicily from 6 to 8 dececmber.
Special guest Tran Quang Hai!
All the infos here: https://www.facebook.com/events/182573345278908/
OR contact me here: mondodimusica@gmail.com

Excuse me for intrusion and Happy Harmonies to all!

Comment by Rollin Rachele on October 29, 2011 at 12:04pm
Oh, also, just working on converting my Overtone Singing Study Guide into an ebook. It's been out of print for years, despite requests. You'll be able to find it on www.overtonesinging.com.
Comment by Rollin Rachele on October 29, 2011 at 12:02pm
Hi Everyone,
I have finally gotten around to joining the group. I hope all is well with everyone. Having a bit of a revival here in the UK now that I have finished my BMus in Classical Indian music...time for more overtones!! Rollin
Comment by Jens Mügge on April 4, 2011 at 12:31pm
DJ London, no problem .... just relax ... best, Jens
Comment by kiva simova on November 20, 2010 at 4:17pm
Don't know why it took me so long to join this group. I've been teaching overtone singing for 20 years, and it's always good to hear the perspectives of others.
Comment by Javier Nahum on January 2, 2010 at 11:54pm
Good luck my friend!!!!
all the best!!!!
Comment by Nicolas MOREAU on January 2, 2010 at 11:26pm
Hello everybody, i try to learn khoomei by myself and i've recorded a small mp3 on my page. Can you tell me if i'm on the good way to sing khoomeï ? I want to learn sygyt but i've read that sygyt is based on khoomei so i work on it :-))

thank you !

Members (102)


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