Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones


OMN Compilations

We want to create an OMN Showcase about our artistic works. People in the world will be able to download our virtual CD, with cover package, for free.

Members: 42
Latest Activity: Nov 10, 2019

Please read the OMN Compilation RULES.
We hope you think it's a good project.

Discussion Forum

Compilation "Female Overtones" 17 Replies

I'm thinking to produce a compilation involving female overtone singers in OMN, I will contact some of them and I will attend they (if affected) contact me.My concept: only voice or voice + few…Continue

Started by Marco Tonini. Last reply by Claudia Helena Alvarenga Nov 10, 2019.

2nd OMN netlabel compilation project? 3 Replies

Mabye this list can be the starting point for the 2nd OMN netlabel Compilation project:  Everybodys dancing but me - added by…Continue

Tags: maultrommel, jew's harp, harp, jaw, OMN netlable compilation

Started by Jens Mügge. Last reply by Jens Mügge May 9, 2011.

Femineus - first OMN Compilation

Finally it is ready:overtonemusic.bandcamp.com/album/femineusI would remember to all the members of this group, each one…Continue

Started by Marco Tonini Apr 27, 2011.

How to share big file 2 Replies

I suggest to you this FREE web service, it can be useful for us to share big wav file (or other kind) for example for this project.www.wetransfer.comIt is very…Continue

Started by Marco Tonini. Last reply by Marco Tonini Dec 31, 2009.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Filip Rydlo on February 9, 2019 at 6:11pm

Me with Stuart Hinds - we have recorded (remotely - over the ocean) a *studio*-version of ROMANESCA - with harpsichord!

It should be in the compilation! :o)

SoulFlight is not so important - when comaped to the beauty of studio-ver. of ROMANESCA with harpsichord !

Comment by 33 Bowls on July 24, 2010 at 8:13pm
Have a shortish (~~3mins) track not on the CD: prelude which is being offered to the project.
Comment by Miroslav Grosser on November 16, 2009 at 11:16pm
Great idea, thanx to Marco, Jens and Wolfman and all the participants for bringing this idea into manifestation.
Comment by Marco Tonini on October 29, 2009 at 1:55pm
Thanks Wolfman! Stay in contact!
Comment by wolfman on October 27, 2009 at 8:02pm
sorry i forgot,

beside my life as artist, i run a proffesional audio mastering studio, which pays the fees. when all tracks are collected, i would be happy to do the endmastering. sure for free, cause i love this community.
Comment by wolfman on October 27, 2009 at 7:39pm
i think, that a compiltaion is a great idea and if you want a track from my list, i would suggest columbus´s theme part 1.
Comment by Filip Rydlo on August 31, 2009 at 1:03pm
I would like to put in the compilation only my composition SoulFlight. I think that my other pieces are not good enough to bee there.

*Romanesca* is composition of Stuart Hinds. Only Stuart can put it to the compilation.

However, I give You, dear Stuart Hinds, my permittion to put there our premiere performance of Romanesca, because I am satisfied with how I sing it in the record.
Comment by Bernd Michael Sommer on August 26, 2009 at 8:30pm
Hi Marco,
I´m honored ... ;-) and love to offer my tracks, if you want me to.
Comment by Filip Rydlo on August 24, 2009 at 8:33pm
Thank You so much for inviting me, Marco.

The OMN compilation is very good idea, I think!
Comment by Marco Tonini on August 18, 2009 at 9:58pm
On this Group, members can say: "I am not interested to be an Artistic Director, but I can offer my tracks, I like to partecipate in a compilation as a composer, so contact me!"

Members (42)


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