Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Connections (16)

Thomas Meisenheimer

Wiesbaden, Germany


Grenoble, France

Alberto Ezzu

Torino, Italy

Kyriako Mbisdikis

Hasselt, Belgium

Singing Sticks Festival

Northamptonshire UK, United Kingdom


Livorno/Firenze, Italy

Raffaele Schiavo

Siracusa, Italy

Andrea Ferroni

Torino, Italy

Luca Recupero

Catania, Sicily, Italy


Schwaz, Austria

Marco Tonini

Verona, Italy

Tran Quang Hai

Limeil Brevannes, France

Jens Mügge

Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany,…

kiva simova

Winnipeg, Canada

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Latest Activity

Galda & Mügge updated their profile
19 hours ago
Jens Ickert posted an event
19 hours ago
Galda & Mügge is now a member of OMN ...

Welcome Galda & Mügge!
19 hours ago
Jens Mügge commented on the event 'Klangwelten – Obertonkonzert'
Toralf Friesecke posted an event

Weißer Gesang Workshop at Bürgerhaus Christuskirche

October 26, 2024 all day
Oct 12
Jens Mügge updated an event

Klangwelten – Obertonkonzert at FREISTIL - Kunst-Studio

October 19, 2024 from 7:30pm to 9:15pm
Oct 12
Toralf Friesecke updated their profile
Oct 9
Toralf Friesecke is now in contact with Jens Mügge
Oct 9
Toralf Friesecke is now a member of OMN ...

Welcome Toralf Friesecke!
Oct 8
Alexey Маrtynov joined a group
Sep 21
Risha joined a group
Sep 14
Risha updated their profile
Sep 14

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