Andrea Ferroni, Turin - 1977.
Charmed by the didjeridoo, he begins his studies as a self-taught musician, therefore he follows courses and workshops hold by worldwide famous artists. However he mostly studies very personal techniques in depth.
Studies overtone singing with Tran Quang Hai, Roberto Laneri and Bernard Dubreuil; digital recoring and ethnic music with Luca Morino.
He studies Saxophone with M° Nando Massimello.
So far, he's worked with: “Architorti”, Tony Esposito, Daniela Paci, Roberto Laneri, Marco Trochelmann, Giuseppe Verticchio, Ilario Vannucchi, Ilaria Drago, Roberto Canone, The Wimshurst's Machine band, Paolo Sanna, Fabio Santagostino, Alessandro Giacomelli, Lorenzo Giorda, Ipercussonici and many others. In less than four years, he participates to the most prestigious European festivals in France, Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, Austria and Portugal achieving great feedback from critics and reviews in specialized magazines. He establishes the 'Scuola del Didjeridoo' ('Didjeridoo School'), where he starts teaching in 2003. He focuses on his teaching methods and research on phonetics, logopedia and physics. He holds workshops and courses all over Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Great Britain. In 2006, he teaches in the ethnic school 'Iat Gong' in Genoa, an institute which has gathered the major experts and performers of various traditional art disciplines from all over the world. He founds the cultural association 'Yidaki', involved in promoting the native Australian music and culture, which has reached a number of almost 100 members in Italy and abroad in less than one year. With it, he also establishes 'Yidaki News', the only magazine in Italy dedicated to the didjeridoo and the aboriginal culture. He publishes four CDs named: "Windproject" (2003), "Noises & Voices" (2004), "Tribal Revolution" (2005), “Breaking Through” (2006), “Ritratto” (2007), "Windproject 2008". He personally builds his instruments, which are very appreciated in Italy and by many artists who play them live.
Didgeridoo, mouth harp, overtone flute, overtone singing, beatbox, saxophone, guitar... hope to find time to learn more
Welcome in our new community, Andrea!
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Cheers, Jens
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Greetings from Germany - ;-)
Ciao, Andrea.
I like your Alfa ... is a misterious and rhitmic song :o) Thanks !! :-)
comunque ci risentiamo.
ti va di partecipare all'Italian Group?
it is the price I payed the plastic pipe to create my flute :-))
it was just a quick experiment to show a cheap overtone flute to my students.
I featured your first track. Is the title of this song really »10. 1.99 Euro« ?
- Jens
If you have any questions how you can use all capabilities of this network check out my videos and blogs on my impressum page.