Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Bernhard Hanreich
  • Male
  • 4742 Pram
  • Austria

Bernhard Hanreich's Connections

  • Bernhard Mikuskovics
  • Aksenty Beskrovny
  • Billy Fox
  • Skye Løfvander
  • Gerhard Narbeshuber
  • mayagami
  • Julia Renöckl
  • Ballog
  • LOOPING jaw harp orchestra
  • Robert Polsterer
  • Anna-Maria Hefele
  • Tran Quang Hai
  • Gösta Petersen
  • Paul Freh
  • Wolfgang Saus

Bernhard Hanreich's Groups


Bernhard Hanreich's Page

Latest Activity

Jens Mügge commented on Bernhard Hanreich's video
Jun 6, 2022
Bernhard Hanreich commented on Bernhard Hanreich's video

War must be ended by

"war can´t be ended by making war war must be ended by peace Pain can´t be ended by making pain Pain must be ended by healing wounds Fear can´t be ended by making fear Fear must be ended by trust Lies can´t be ended by telling…"
May 4, 2022
Bernhard Hanreich commented on Bernhard Hanreich's video

Was ist passiert

"I am cold I am frizing What had happend? what had happend? Did we take to much risk? Unable, unable for any fealings blunt , brittle and hardend is my mind What had happend? What had happend everything was fine No matter if pros and cons if under…"
May 4, 2022
Bernhard Hanreich commented on Bernhard Hanreich's video

Der Traum

"Is it real? Is it realy real? Or is it just a bad tream? What is it? What is it? what? That i can See Is it reatl? Is it realy real? Or is it just an empty dream? What is it? What is it ? What? That I can hear? Is it real? Is it realy Real? Or is…"
May 4, 2022
Bernhard Hanreich commented on Bernhard Hanreich's video

Was ist passiert

"If you look at the global developments of total control away from democracy to a global diktatorship,..."
May 4, 2022
Bernhard Hanreich commented on Bernhard Hanreich's video

Der Traum

"When you look at what happens these days you might ask yourself, is this real?"
May 4, 2022
Bernhard Hanreich commented on Bernhard Hanreich's video

War must be ended by

"When counties not being in war, start to help one side and become involved, I thing they misunderstood something. My the view words open their eyes..."
May 4, 2022
Bernhard Hanreich posted videos
May 4, 2022

Tran Quang Hai is now in contact with Bernhard Hanreich
Jan 20, 2020

Profile Information

About me:
singing since 1989 i followed my way to the Didge and then back to the Jew´s Harp i played when i was a child. the circle has closed in away but on an other level. like going up or down a spiral.
As a band we are:
Christoph Köpf
Bernhard Hanreich
and guests

The Looping Jaw Harp Orchestra
Obertonsänger Overtone singer
Untertongesang Undertone singer
Maultrommel Jew´s Harps
Everything i hear and see and feal

Bernhard Hanreich's Photos

Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 1:48am on September 12, 2015, Skye Løfvander said…

Hello Bernhard,
I oversaw your comment with your question about how to make a map.
It is long time ago I created the acoustic map and actually I think Jens helped me.
Anyway: First you create a map. I used Google Maps, maps.google.com.
Grab the embed code and paste it in html mode on a new page in the group. I think that will do. Otherwise, you are welcome back. Image describing the procedure below:

At 9:04pm on February 23, 2013, Julia Renöckl said…
wir kennen uns von unsere klangdusche oder?
lieben gruß aus Wien
At 4:25pm on March 2, 2010, Bernhard Hanreich said…
Hallo Jens
Bin gerade aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen worden, wo ich mich einer Prostatakrebsoperation unterziehen musst und komme am 10 auf Reha nach BAd Ischl. Wollte aber so es geht vorher noch in Erfahrung bringen, wie man da zum woodroot festival kommt. Mein lieber Musikfreund (Markus Höllerl) hat ein paar Stücke ins Netz gestellt, bei denen ich mitspiele und singe. Kann mir aber auch vorstellen alleine hin zu gehen. Wie organisiert ist denn da das Programm? Ist da Platz für jaming wie die Jazzer sagen? Bitte um Kontakt
At 3:05am on August 13, 2009, Jens Mügge said…
Hallo Bernhard, ich bin gern in Österreich. Als woodrooter hab ich die Ehre als O-Consulent ehrenamtlich mit Österreichern zusammen tätig zu sein. Ja - und auch ich freu mich auf's zusammen musizieren. Liebe Grüße, Jens
At 8:39pm on February 21, 2009, OMN said…
Hello Bernhard,

welcome to OMN. If you have any questions you can read here some frequently asked questions. If have any issues - I hope not - please use this form to contact the admins.

all the best,

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Toralf Friesecke is now a member of OMN ...

Welcome Toralf Friesecke!
3 minutes ago
Alexey Маrtynov joined a group
Sep 21
Jens Mügge updated an event

Klangwelten – Obertonkonzert at Bad Meinberg

October 19, 2024 from 7:30pm to 9:15pm
Sep 21
Risha joined a group
Sep 14
Risha updated their profile
Sep 14
Walter H. G. Nowak is now a member of OMN ...

Welcome Walter H. G. Nowak!
Aug 23
Alexey Маrtynov updated their profile
Aug 17
Alexey Маrtynov left a comment for 'Jens Mügge'
Aug 16
Alexey Маrtynov is now in contact with Jens Mügge
Aug 15
Alexey Маrtynov is now a member of OMN ...

Welcome Alexey Маrtynov!
Aug 15
Jens Mügge commented on Igor Olivier Ezendam's video
Aug 3
Igor Olivier Ezendam posted a video

Sunset Song at the Buddha Hall (overtones)

Igor Ezendam singing overtones at sunset at the Buddha Hall in Arillas, Corfu, Greece, with the Buddha Hall house cat. Recorded 2024.03.21If you want to hear...
Aug 3

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