At 10:39am on September 20, 2008, Jonas Nondorf said…
Hey Jan, danke für deinen Kommentar. Ich gebe weiterhin mein bestes mit der Stimme weiterzukommen. In nächster Zeit werde ich mal versuchen, mit dem Aufnehmen zu beginnen. Vielleicht ist ja was brauchbares dabei. Dann wird es hier bestimmt zu hören sein.
Viele liebe Grüße und bis hoffentlich bald mal,
Hi Jan, thanks for the comments. Yes, the music I present here is all synthesized (using Csound). The instruments I play (bass and guitar) are good for many things, but not for what I'm trying to do in this realm.
Your piece "Orpheo's Angel" is very beautiful, first time I've heard that sort of counterpoint done using overtone singing. I would love you see and hear your metal work in performance one day.
Lieber Jan,
ich werde mich freuen an unsere nächste Zusammentreffen. Vieleicht Weinachten? Das Festival in Juli war wunderschön, ich hoffe, dass auch Prag erlebt so viel schöne Energie.
Liebe Grüsse
Hallo Jan,
hast du wirklich keine Möglichkeit zu kommen? Stimmhorn kommt am 13.9.-wir bringen die Jungs mit dem Auto von und nach Dresden. Vielleicht würde es auch für dich gehen?
Liebe Grüsse
Beautiful! I love your sounds. I will come back and listen again. Thanks for your kind comment - I'm glad you like the gong music :) I'll be doing a new recording in the fall - I will keep you posted.
hallo jan
ich spiele am 23.01.09 in dresden im staatsschauspiel, mit asita hamidi, einer harfenistin aus iran. das dauert zwar noch eine zeit
aber wenn du magst kannst du dir das ja trotzdem vormerken, währ schön dich da zu treffen.
lieber gruss
Hi Jan,
thanks! I went to your homepage - congratulations on the prize! Yes, well it could be a context. Hard to say. Kinda depends on what you and the other members could be interested in. If you'd care to try to explore this further, perhaps we should communicate via email? Mine is
Hi Jan
thanks for your friendship and introducing your wonderful music.
Heavy metal light as a feather - slow and tender - high and low - joining heaven and earth your way. Colaboration could be interesting. - I do the Bad Schandau Fullmoonconcert on 18.6.08 with my partner Jutta. If you want to chilI in slow water - come and meet us there. All the best
hope to meeting you soon on this planet Christian Bollmann
Hi Jan,
thank you very much for listening to my music and your nice feedback! Yes, well perhaps a project focusing on overtones could be a possibility given the right context. I have done a few pieces with overtones within, but nothing focused on them - aside from a piece from the mid-90s...
Let me know if you have an idea?
Hallo Jan,
glaubst Du, es wäre möglich für Dich, auf dem Bad Essener Obertonfestival 2009 aufzutreten? Wie groß und schwer sind Deine Instrumente? Unser Steinbruch ist nicht groß, hat aber einen wunderbaren Klang.
Hello Jan!
Congratulations for your creativity, I'm really interested in your work and to know more about the logic of your instruments, just by looking at your photos I could just imagine how they may sound and it felt like when someone was giving us a strange toy when we were just little boys trying to find how to play with them! :o
I am planning a trip to Germany and Czech Republic for August 2008. I would love to see you if possible while I am there. My current plans are to be in Prague 10-14.08, Aachen from 15-18.08, and Augsburg (Munich) on 19-20.08. I can still visit other places in the week or so before Prague. Please let me know soon if you are interested in arranging for me to come to your area at that time. I hope to be able to see you when I am in Europe this August. Thanks!!! Sh
Hi Jan.
The sounds you are making are astonishing strong and pure... I would not expect that, seeing the metallic force of the form of your instruments. Here is a Master at Work.
Creating Sound and Form.
Hihi - and spinning creativity to it's colourful but also weird (without borders) top. I love it.
Dear Jan ,
Glad to meet you here . I am interested in your festival in Dresden .
You wrote that you were in Paris until 2nd march (or may ?) . Please precise me about that matter because march is over. How can contact you ?
You can call me at my office phone number : 01 4405 7352
You can write to me at my email: for other details
Hope to hear from you soon,
tran quang Hai
PS : You can go to my discussion group on Jew's harp at this network . This group was just created last night
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Overtone Music Network
a common space & database for harmonic overtones
Jan Heinke's Comments
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Viele liebe Grüße und bis hoffentlich bald mal,
Your piece "Orpheo's Angel" is very beautiful, first time I've heard that sort of counterpoint done using overtone singing. I would love you see and hear your metal work in performance one day.
ich werde mich freuen an unsere nächste Zusammentreffen. Vieleicht Weinachten? Das Festival in Juli war wunderschön, ich hoffe, dass auch Prag erlebt so viel schöne Energie.
Liebe Grüsse
hast du wirklich keine Möglichkeit zu kommen? Stimmhorn kommt am 13.9.-wir bringen die Jungs mit dem Auto von und nach Dresden. Vielleicht würde es auch für dich gehen?
Liebe Grüsse
Beautiful! I love your sounds. I will come back and listen again. Thanks for your kind comment - I'm glad you like the gong music :) I'll be doing a new recording in the fall - I will keep you posted.
All the best,
thanks for your words.Your art is very deep. I prefer DER GARTEN...
R.I.P.Bruno Amstad said…
ich spiele am 23.01.09 in dresden im staatsschauspiel, mit asita hamidi, einer harfenistin aus iran. das dauert zwar noch eine zeit
aber wenn du magst kannst du dir das ja trotzdem vormerken, währ schön dich da zu treffen.
lieber gruss
thanks! I went to your homepage - congratulations on the prize! Yes, well it could be a context. Hard to say. Kinda depends on what you and the other members could be interested in. If you'd care to try to explore this further, perhaps we should communicate via email? Mine is
Are you ever in Berlin?
thanks for your friendship and introducing your wonderful music.
Heavy metal light as a feather - slow and tender - high and low - joining heaven and earth your way. Colaboration could be interesting. - I do the Bad Schandau Fullmoonconcert on 18.6.08 with my partner Jutta. If you want to chilI in slow water - come and meet us there. All the best
hope to meeting you soon on this planet Christian Bollmann
thank you very much for listening to my music and your nice feedback! Yes, well perhaps a project focusing on overtones could be a possibility given the right context. I have done a few pieces with overtones within, but nothing focused on them - aside from a piece from the mid-90s...
Let me know if you have an idea?
Greetings from Berlin!
all the best!
glaubst Du, es wäre möglich für Dich, auf dem Bad Essener Obertonfestival 2009 aufzutreten? Wie groß und schwer sind Deine Instrumente? Unser Steinbruch ist nicht groß, hat aber einen wunderbaren Klang.
Congratulations for your creativity, I'm really interested in your work and to know more about the logic of your instruments, just by looking at your photos I could just imagine how they may sound and it felt like when someone was giving us a strange toy when we were just little boys trying to find how to play with them! :o
hope to meet you soon :)
have a great sun,
The sounds you are making are astonishing strong and pure... I would not expect that, seeing the metallic force of the form of your instruments. Here is a Master at Work.
Creating Sound and Form.
Hihi - and spinning creativity to it's colourful but also weird (without borders) top. I love it.
I am looking forward to hearing and seeing MORE.
Gruß, Paul
Your polyphony is good, reminds me Stuart Hinds.
R.I.P.Tran Quang Hai said…
Glad to meet you here . I am interested in your festival in Dresden .
You wrote that you were in Paris until 2nd march (or may ?) . Please precise me about that matter because march is over. How can contact you ?
You can call me at my office phone number : 01 4405 7352
You can write to me at my email: for other details
Hope to hear from you soon,
tran quang Hai
PS : You can go to my discussion group on Jew's harp at this network . This group was just created last night
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