Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

The Gongman's Comments

Comment Wall (20 comments)

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At 7:35pm on December 7, 2010, Martin Bläse said…
Oh, thank you :)
My father and my grandfather forged small dinner-gongs. On this basis I developed an new kind of gong-forging since 1994.

You can hear this gong on my page, if you listen to "In die Stille"
At 10:52pm on December 6, 2010, Martin Bläse said…
Hello Mr. Gongman,
have you ever seen a Gong like this?

At 1:32am on November 4, 2010, Harold Grandstaff Moses said…
Enjoy the C Drone - I posted a collection of different tunings. Would love to hear what you hear when you add your instruments to the 'mix' - HG
At 9:51pm on September 9, 2010, Jens Mügge said…
Thank you, Gongman, that you welcomed "The Gongmaster" as first member here ... your gongbrother. Stay tuned my jaw harp brother! All the best, Jens
At 6:02pm on May 20, 2010, Jens Zygar said…
I live in Hamburg and I work in Europe!
I will get a new spaceship soon which makes my existance even more flexibel,...
please check the date for the spiritual healing festival jn august; great festival to stay and have lot of fun with many great people!
haev a best cosmic weekend!
At 5:44pm on May 20, 2010, Jens Zygar said…
very nice to meet You at this special place here; one day I hope we can meet in the real realtiy and make some sound! please!

At 10:00am on March 30, 2010, Nicolas Lespinasse said…

At 9:59am on March 30, 2010, Nicolas Lespinasse said…
Hello Malcom gong man!!

Another connexion!!

At 2:46pm on February 2, 2010, Nicolas MOREAU said…
ok pour le citoyen du monde ;-)
At 12:16pm on February 2, 2010, Nicolas MOREAU said…
Hello Mr Gongman, content de croiser un français sur le réseau !
At 3:15pm on January 13, 2010, Ernesto Ortiz said…
Hi Malcom,

Thank you so much for turning me on to the site. Yes, I agree with you a bunch of inspiring people.

Om Shanti
At 10:14am on September 11, 2009, Jonathan Cope said…
Wonderful mouth harp vids.
Blessings in sound.
At 11:23am on August 28, 2009, Chuck Carron said…

Hey see ya Thursady Malcolm,we will do a diner so if you like you can bring some vegy dish!
At 1:10pm on July 23, 2009,
The Gongman
Yes,now I understand your comment about liking water :)
At 10:57am on July 23, 2009, Werner Worschech said…
hi malcolm,
thanx for information, i wrote a comment in May 30, 2009, when i saw the vid on youtube. what do you think about it?!
best wishes,

At 3:12pm on July 11, 2009, ernest said…
Thank you my friend Gongman
I am very happy to have a place in your universe !
At 2:57pm on May 30, 2009, Werner Worschech said…
hi malcolm,
great video, great sound and - you love the water as well! I would like to play with you and your gongs;-) what do you think about it? you can listen the way how i play the big tam-tam => »improvisation« on my omn-profil. i´m working on a live-vid with the gongs on the picture below, but i have the same problems like you, wrong formats etc.

have a good time,
At 7:50pm on May 29, 2009, Werner Worschech said…
hi gongman,
thanx for your friendship. di you have some audio with gongs? i like to know how you communicate with this mythical creature´s;-)))
best wishes,
At 1:54pm on May 28, 2009, Werner Worschech said…
hi gongman,
welcome to omn!

At 9:41pm on May 21, 2009, Jens Mügge said…
Hey you!

I am happy that we found us in the virtual space via YouTube. Welcome to Overtone Music Network Gongman! If you have any questions how you can use all features of this network you can check out the FAQ. Here you will find all my administrative announcements and if you have any issues you can send the admin team a report via this form.


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