Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Paul Terrell's Comments

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At 6:40am on March 25, 2013, Astrid Sarana said…

Wenn meine Zeit erlaubt sehr gerne. Du müßtest mich nur informieren ,wann so ein
e Klangheilung wieder statt findet. Alles Liebe.

At 6:47am on March 24, 2013, Astrid Sarana said…

Oh, vielleicht ergibt es sich einmal, dass ich nach Fernitz komme. Würde mich sehr interessieren. Alles Liebe, Sarana.

At 2:42pm on May 26, 2010,
Karin Höghielm
Hello Paul, are you giving any workshops in Stockholm this year, I´m still interested.
regards karin
At 4:55pm on February 17, 2010, Skye Løfvander said…
Der er her på OMN oprettet et Nordisk Forum under 'Groups'
Her er intro-teksten:
Med syngende vingefjer og skrigende halse flyver fem svaner (+ Åland, Grønland & Færøerne) på opdagelse i overtoners univers. Sigtet er det samme som det overordnede netværk men sproget skandinavisk og fokus på nordiske temaer og begivenheder.
At 2:24pm on October 21, 2009, Ballog said…
Hi Paul,

We've been informed by Jens Mügge that eventually you have music and videos for our video portal. If so, please send us a CD or DVD to the following address :

Woodroot music.group
Armin Wechselberger
Winterstellergasse 11 a
A-6130 Schwaz / Austria


Regards Armin
At 12:56am on February 16, 2009, Frank Perry said…
Hello Paul,

Well, as regards the recording session, I was only in discussion with Oliver Nares. What I understood from him was that it had been suggested to him that we all pitch in for a pressing and then split the pressed CDs 5 ways. I felt that this was unfair on Susan Nares because at that time she was playing regularly in a folk group and that was not likely to be the kind of audience who'd purchase what we had created during the session - e.g. she had no reasonable outlet for getting her investment back. It was for that reason mostly that I was against going ahead with that proposition.
That is how I 'understood' it but there may have been follow-up meetings that I was again not privy to. I heard nothing more about it until approached by Nikki for permission to allow parts of the recording to be used as a soundtrack for a film made by you both - which I agreed to.
Because this was all I have known about the issue I had not published it myself as that would be hypocritical of me. I found it on Ravi's website where it does appear to be a release - but I guess it shows again how appearances can be.
I did recieve a copy from NIkki and that would come under the category suggested by yourself.
I've not listened to it for years now - been very busy working on various projects of my own ('pressure' of the Creative Impulse) - still working on the two projected books.
But thank you very much for getting back to me on this and clarifying your position. I'd not seen that photo before (not seen any from the session - there may have been more) so that was a very pleasant surprise indeed. It was a congenial situation for recording I recall. I may well release it - especially now I have the names.
BTW do you have to do anything special to get more than 4 pieces on OMN? I'd enjoy adding a few more.

Michael Cousins - very nice work.

Kind regards,

At 5:58pm on February 15, 2009, Frank Perry said…
Hello again Paul,

I can imagine how overjoyed you are to be working with Michael Ormiston as I myself can recall a similar joy being privileged to work with the sublime David Hykes back in the early 80s last century.


At 5:51pm on February 15, 2009, Frank Perry said…
Hi Paul,

Thank you for pointing out my sin of Omission. I shall strive to remedy it asap now I have the names and correct spellings. No offence was intended - I won't bore you with the various reasons.
As for perseverance, I am simply being true to my own nature and that seems easy to me. As for productivity - well I like to think that all have quality and I was never simply out for the numbers. As a result of playing music for 45 years it kind of works out at over 2 per year - reasonable output I guess.
BTW I was told by Oliver Nares a year or so back that Ravi has released the Overtone Choir CD recorded the second time we met. I wonder if you or he would mind posting me the details as I'd like to add it to my discography - i.e. label, number, title, etc. Thanks. Alternatively, if you could point me in the direction where I can find this out for myself, then ok.
At 5:40pm on February 15, 2009, Frank Perry said…
Hi Paul, What you have seen n my photos are called Bell Trees and are fromeither Japan or China. I have several and mostly they are comprised of an odd number 3 - 5 - 7. I once saw a large number at an antique shop all in London (70s) hanging inside one another (largest on top) and was told that it was from a Tibetan monastery. There was a wooden stick hanging below and inside that rang all the bells at once.

Hope that this helps,

At 8:37pm on February 11, 2009, Helen said…
Hi Paul that sounds great at Totnes can you give me more details re workshops and concert im sure I will come - thanks

At 5:56pm on February 11, 2009, Micha Meijer said…
hey Paul,
Nice to hear from you. How's life?
At 9:36pm on January 9, 2009, Kolja Simon said…
Sounds like You doing devine stuff!
In Freedom and harmonic voices!

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