Overtone Music Network

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Roberto LANERI, biography

Studies e Background:Philosophy studies: University of RomeDiploma (clarinet): S. Cecilia Conservatory, RomeB.A. in performance, M.A. in composition: State University of New Yok at Buffalo (SUNYAB)Ph.D. in composition: University of California, San Diego (UCSD)

Teachers:Lejaren Hiller, Charlie Mingus, William O. Smith, John Silber and Keith Humble have left the most durable influences.

Early professional experiencesJazz and free music. Plays with Bruno Tommaso, Giancarlo Schiaffini. Mario Schiano, Marcello Melis, Franco Tonani in various groups and festivals ('65'68).Plays with Frederic Rzewski, Berlin Metamusik Festival ('72).In the U.S.Founder of the JAZZ IN PROGRESS ORCHESTRA.Creative Associate with the Center for the Creative e Performing Arts (a contemporary music group of highly selected young instrumentalists directed byLucas Foss and Lejaren Hiller.Season: Evenings for New Music ('70-'72), N.Y.C. Carnegie Recital Hall and all of N.Y. State.Member of SEM Ensemble, directed by Peter Kotick. Various European tours (first performances of John Cage's SONGBOOKS, Köln and Berlin, for the composer's 60h birthday, '71-'72).

Composer in residence for the Company of Man, directed by Graham Smith and Cristyne Lawson, realizes the soundtrack for Black Ivory, a ballet inspired by Genet commissioned by the Albright-Knox Art Gallery for its 10th anniversary).Plays in the Monday Evening Concerts, Los Angeles ('72).
Premieres several works by contemporary composers. (Sonata Quasi una Fantasia, written for him by George Perle).Compositions published by Media Press (Entropic Islands, L'Arte del Violino) and Seesaw Corporation (Esorcismi no.1).In '72 begins working on extra-european musical cultures and vocal techniques. Founding member of EVT (Extended Vocal Techniques) connected with the Center for Music Experiment at UCSD.

In '73 founds PRIMA MATERIA (see VOICE, OVERTONE SINGING), a vocal improvisation group which uses vocal techniques from Central Asia and Tibet in long sessions of great fascination and intensity. The group's debut takes place at the Autunno Musicale (Como), and for 7 years participates at prestigious festivals and events all over Europe, with great public and critical success.At the same time starts lecturing, writing articles and giving workshops on overtone singing.Since then appears in solo recitals and a variety of musical situations, most often playing his own music. Appearances in various national TV television, among which "Alla ricerca dell'Arca" and "Maurizio Costanzo Show".

1993: initiator and music director of the project I POTERI DEL SUONO (Volterra-Teatro festival):A small but exquisite festival with lectures and performances by Peter Michael Hamel, Jacques Dudon, Jean During, Tran Quang Hai, Walter Branchi, Stefano Scodanibbio, Manfred Kage, Christian Bollmann, Michael Reimann and Roberto Laneri himself who, between puns and besides giving a magnificent concert for voice and tape, every morning has held a widely attended workshop on overtone singing. (...) At last, Roberto Laneri's concert, a high point of the Volterra days.(Deep Listenings no.2, Fall 1993)

1994: ORIGINI (Orvieto, Palazzo del Popolo).(...) In the end, Roberto Laneri in top form: 2 compositions for solo voice (...)to show how far this great artist has reached.(Deep Listenings no.2, Fall 1993)1st Prize Winner, composition competition "Quattro passi nel delirio", Rumori Mediterranei Festival, Roccella Jonica.

1995-97: initiator and artistic director of I POTERI DEL SUONO, a festival realized in Orvieto with EC's contribution.Other interesting activities, such as I POTERI DEL SUONO, an unusual festival in today's scene, centered both around cultural-ethnic-musical multiplicity and vocal usages and research.(Oltre il Silenzio, December 1995)

In 1999 founds another vocal group, currently active: IN FORMA DI CRISTALLI.2002: writes the music David Riondino's recital "La signorina Felicita" (premiere: 03.13.02, Teatro degli Illuminati, Città di Castello), and is elected "creative member" of the Budapest Club, the organization for planetary consciousness founded by Ervin Laszlo.Attends the workshop in traditional didjeridoo techniques led by Djalu Gurruwivi at Eisembachcollaborates with visual artist Massimo Luccioli in the realization of the multimedia work “Armonie, elaborazioni sonore nel segno” (premiere: Rome, Museo d’arte contemporanea, università La Sapienza, 23.11.2002).

2003: collaborates with Peter Pannke in the soundtrack of Itinerarium Kircherianum, a multimedia work dedicated to Athanasius Kircher, prizewinner at the WDR, Köln, international competion (premiere: 05.17.03, Detmold, Kite-Museum)6.01.03, Theo Otto Theater, Remscheid: German premiere of “Clinamen”, a contemporary dance work with the Moto Armonico company, Betty Lo Sciuto, director2004: 2.14-15: 2 concerts at the Tirana Congress Palace, premiering “Ja ku jam”, Ardit Gjebrea's latest CD5.23.04, “Maestri” by Beppe Sebaste, an hour-long interview on Italian national Radio7.18.04, Anagni, cloister of the Cathedral, Festival of Medieval and Renaissance Theater, concert with the overtone singing group In Forma di Cristalli6.21-24, Bari University, psychology department: workshop on synaesthesia, sound and movement, with Betty Lo Sciuto11..07.04, Berlin, Back-Fabrik: "Armonie, elaborazioni sonore nel segno"During the first part of 2005 collaborates with poet Grazia Debé to a CD/DVD of poetry (Uroboros, published by Manni) set to music with Carolina Gentile, voice.September 9-10-11 2005Participates in CONTEMPO, A contemporary composer at Montefalco - 1st Edition, Terry Riley, with the group In forma di cristalli and plays in the opening concert.Festival Scelsi ,Rome, Goethe Institut, dec.10 2005."Musica in forma di cristalli"vocal-harmonic itinerary on texts by Giacinto Scelsi, fromIl sogno 10, II parte: il Ritorno with the vocal ensemble "In forma di cristalli" with Ilaria Drago narrating voice.Rome, Tevere Eterno, 6.21.06Premiere of "Flumen", an open book of patterns for any number of vocal groups, coordinated by the author; solo voice in "Molto presto di mattina", 4 arias from darkness to light, by Walter Branchi.


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