Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

December 2010 Blog News (6)

To all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Dear Fellow Men,

Many thanks for being here.

May each and every one of you, where ever you are, find the strength to make our world a brighter place!

To all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

With best wishes,

Werner… Continue

Added by Werner Worschech on December 26, 2010 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Newsletter Dezember 2010

Liebe Freunde,

ein erfülltes Jahr reiche an Erlebnissen und Erfahrungen geht zu Ende. Zeit und Gelegenheit mich und das gesamte Lichthaus-Team bei allen Kollegen, Kursteilnehmern, Veranstaltern und Kunden für die Treue und gute Zusammenarbeit im vergangenen Jahr zu bedanken.

Das neue Jahresprogramm ist in Druck und wird nach Weihnachten verschickt werden. Auf diesem Wege jedoch schon einmal eine Vorschau, damit Sie uns fürs…


Added by Christian Bollmann on December 21, 2010 at 11:00am — No Comments

French Ethnomusicology Society Network

Here is my page www.ethnomusicologie.fr/userprofile/122

on the French Ethnomusicology Society Network

Added by Johanni Curtet on December 16, 2010 at 10:30am — No Comments


Dear friends,

In the past many of you have helped me to raise money for various charitable Tuvan causes, and now I ask for your help for a great Mongolian throat-singer in need.

Some of you will recognize the name Tserendavaa. He is a well-known, major Mongolian throat-singing master from Chandman Sum, and is well-represented on such classic cds as Jargalant Altai. Besides being a singer and one of the leading sources for foreigners for…

Added by Steve Sklar on December 8, 2010 at 7:00pm — 5 Comments

New to throat singing. Blog for progress

Hello, my name is Joe and after many half attempts, I'm now learning Khoomei. Also, I do not blog so don't expect much out of this. This is to help me keep on track and maybe get some outside help.

There doesn't seem to be any throat singers where I live so I must do this entirely without physical help. So far there have been many people helping me in the Khoomei yahoo group and that has been a huge help.

My progress thus far: I'm not sure what to think about my current… Continue

Added by Joe Pancheri on December 3, 2010 at 8:18pm — 3 Comments

Kargyraa Krew

This is the first sketchy video of the Kargyraa Krew, singing parts of my composition 'Gogokokoroko'.

voices - Kolja Simon, Felix Mönnich, Martin Pässler, Gisbert Schürig

composition and programming - Gisbert Schürig

I am looking forward to our gig in Cologne on december the 11th and for the next recording sessions next… Continue

Added by Gisbert Schürig on December 3, 2010 at 12:26am — 2 Comments

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Arjopa posted a video

Out in the Woods

#throatsinging #campanula #longsong #lyrics by #arjopa #throatsinger #voiceshaman #musicshaman
Geo Goidaci posted a status
"Improvised concert in a Graveyard in Gräfelfing by Munich 2018 Ludger Bartels and me we love overtones :)"
Jul 17
Geo Goidaci posted a status
Jul 17
Jens Mügge commented on Arjopa's video
Jul 17
Arjopa commented on Arjopa's video
Jul 16
Arjopa posted a video

Arjopa - Live

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Thomas Mörth posted videos
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papajeahja Sandy Kühn updated their profile
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Andreas Eder posted a video

Farbklänge, Obertöne beim Orgelstimmen

Während meines Besuches der Kathedrale von Chartres im Juni 2024 wurde gerade ein Register der neuen Orgel gestimmt, die bis 2025 fertiggestellt sein soll. I...
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Sukadev Bretz posted a video

Sundaram & Friends - Shri Ganesha

Performed by Sundaram and Friends at Yoga Vidya Easter Concert 2024http://www.sundaram.de/https://sundaram.de/shop/You can share the video with others, to sp...
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Aionigma updated an event

Obertonkonzert zum Sommerbeginn at Evangelische Kirche

June 8, 2024 from 7pm to 8:30pm
Jun 1

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