Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

August 2009 Blog News (5)

CD-Präsentation am 25. september 2009 in wien


Ich möchte mich bei Dir und auch bei Gerhard Narbeshuber sehr sehr herzlich für dieses wunderschöne Konzert bedanken! Auch mein Lebensgefährte war zutieft berührt und beeindruckt. Ich freue mich auf weitere Konzerte - bis dahin hören wir die wunderschöne CD.....

Euer Konzert gestern war großartig. Die Kirche war ein optimaler… Continue

Added by Julia Renöckl on August 31, 2009 at 10:30am — 1 Comment




A. N. Aksenov

Editor's Note. The following consists of excerpts from A. N. Aksenov's Tuvinskaia narodnaia muzyka (Moscow, 1964), to date the only book de­voted in a study of a single Siberian music culture.

Aksenov (1909‑62) was initially a composer. He graduated from Moscow Conservatory In 1931, became a member of the Union of Soviet Composers the following year and remained in Moscow until 1943.… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on August 28, 2009 at 11:50pm — No Comments

Tran Quang Hai & Denis Guillou : Original Research and Acoustical Analysis in connection with the Xöömij Style of Biphonic Singing

Original Research and Acoustical Analysis in connection

with the Xöömij Style of Biphonic Singing

Tran Quang Hai , Centre National de la Recherche Scientitique, Paris 1980

Denis GUILLOU, Conservatoire. National des Arts et Métiers, Paris

The present article is limited in its scope to our own original research and to acoustical analysis of biphonic singing, this is preceded by a summary of the various terms proposed by different… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on August 28, 2009 at 11:43pm — No Comments

Here Again

Dear Everyone,

I'd like to thank all of You who visited my profile, left a comment, rated a song or just looked at the pictures or read the blog. I've been away for a long time but I'm back and I have to say I'm blown away by the improvements I see on OMN.

I also would like to let you know that You can download my album song by song for free on http://www.myspace.com/rkitmusic .

Have a listen, make a… Continue

Added by RKiT (Tamas Arki) on August 21, 2009 at 12:07pm — No Comments

New netlabel release on Stasisfield: Elementals

I am very happy to announce a new release called "Elementals" on the Stasisfield netlabel. John Kannenberg has done the beautiful job of design, packaging and presentation that Statisfield followers have come to expect, and I am grateful to part of his roster.

In John's words:

"Peterborough, New Hampshire's Dave Seidel offers a microtonal ode to the four primal elements. Water, fire, earth and air are represented here by elegant synthetic sounds and digitally manipulated… Continue

Added by Dave Seidel on August 10, 2009 at 3:21pm — No Comments

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