Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

brigitte geuss
  • Female
  • Bochum, Nordrhein-Westfalen
  • Germany

Brigitte geuss's Connections

  • Axel Kabbe
  • Rechungpa
  • Jane Winther
  • Skye Løfvander
  • Egschiglen
  • Salil Kanika
  • Arjopa
  • Minghao Xu
  • Jens Zygar
  • Werner Worschech
  • Jan Heinke
  • Christian Bollmann
  • Hosoo
  • Jens Mügge
  • Baird Hersey

brigitte geuss's Groups


brigitte geuss's Page

Profile Information

About me:
music is shining through my life...

i connect my healing work with music and i am involved in different cultural musicprojects
As a band we are:

*Silent Harmonies
*Positive Creative World
and different intercultural musicprojects
my instruments are voice, monochord, tanpura, shroti

djembe, bougarabou, darabuka, daf...diverse drums

listen to music excerpts on myspace.com/brigittegeuss
different cultures and music like
african, indian, tibetan, mongolian, irish...worldmusic...
http://www.brigittegeuss.de www.myspace.com/brigittegeuss

brigitte geuss's Photos

Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 10:04am on October 18, 2010, Salil Kanika said…
Hello Brigitte,
Nice to get connected to you. I would love to hear more of your music. I did check your website and your project 'Positive Creative World' touches my feelings for the same cause. I will be updating my profiles soon. You will hear my music and see my performances then :-)

Salil, Kathmandu
At 8:40am on October 17, 2010, Jane Winther said…
Dear Birgitte,
That sounds great.
Are you from Germany ? Do you have a homepage where I can read/listen more ?
I live in Denmark - my homepage is: www.unisound.dk
All the best,
At 6:28pm on May 31, 2009, Arjopa said…
Hallo liebe Brigitte !!
Herzlichen Dank für Deine Freundschaft, hier im OMN!!
Deine Musik ist wirklich wunderbar!!

Hoffen, daß Dir auch unser Khoomei Kehlgesangs Folk Punk gut gefällt!!

Beste Grüße aus Berlin!!

Arjopa & The Master U-like

At 7:56pm on May 29, 2009, Werner Worschech said…
hallo brigitte,
wir sehen uns dann am 4.6. in bochum. ich freu mich drauf!
herzliche grüße,

At 1:41pm on May 28, 2009, Werner Worschech said…
hallo brigitte,
schön, daß du nun auch bei omn bist!
herzliche grüße,

At 4:35pm on March 23, 2009, Jens Mügge said…
Hello Brigitte,

welcome to OMN! Let me know if you need any support for example if you like it that your OMN Page looks like your MySpace site ... I post from time to time some tipps in this group or you want discuss and share yours only in German you are welcome to join the German Space
Stay tuned and have fun here ... all the best,


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