listen to charming stories full of poetry - with mime, voice and movement - tales about people, animals, the world and other countries - magical stories to think, wonder and laugh about - journeys from Southern Germany to Mongolia, from North America, through Africa, China, Japan to the moon....
I am a trained puppeteer, studied painting, storytelling, physical theater and improvisation. In the last 8 years I direct a puppet-theater, work as a hospital-clown and perform my solo storytelling-programs.
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
Am 28. November diesen Jahres (2024) begab sich der Tönerkreis München am Nordfriedhof hinunter in die historische Kanalwelt der bayerischen Metropole. Organ...
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Usukhu aus Ingolstadt