Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Norbert Esch
  • Male
  • Germany

Norbert Esch's Connections

  • Steven Williams
  • Albi Wethli
  • Arjopa
  • Mark van Tongeren

Norbert Esch's Groups

Norbert Esch's Discussions

Editing some older Overtone Jamsessions...
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Norbert Esch Apr 12, 2023.


Norbert Esch's Page

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Norbert Esch replied to the discussion 'Editing some older Overtone Jamsessions...'
Apr 12, 2023
Jens Mügge replied to the discussion 'Editing some older Overtone Jamsessions...'
"Thank you, Norbert!"
Apr 11, 2023
Norbert Esch posted a discussion

Ediding some Overtone Jamsessions

The long duration of Covid19 , gave me time to edit some of our earlier Jamsessions Recordings. Here is a sample attached 4m47s). MayBe I'll add some more later...Regular Jamsession Members are: (See more of us on Youtube -Channel of ...) Karin Böhme Brendel Digeridoo : e.g. Title "Camala+Ted with friends, Session auf dem Zauberberg Okt.2019"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DKdsjP8wesother Members are...Norbert Esch Overtone (Kagyra…See More
Mar 31, 2023
Norbert Esch posted a status
"More of us on Youtube-Channel "Camala+Ted with friends" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DKdsjP8wes"
Mar 31, 2023
Norbert Esch commented on Timber Freier Träumer (Hanfreich's video

Asklepios by Timber, excerpt from Saal frei #15

"Hallo Timber, Schöne Ostern und Danke für die prompte Antwort! (Ich bin da leider nicht mehr so schnell). Auf den TC DITTO war ich auch schon mal gestossen, wußte aber bei deren Beschreibung nicht so recht ob er sich auch für…"
Apr 5, 2021
Norbert Esch updated their profile
Apr 4, 2021
Norbert Esch commented on Timber Freier Träumer (Hanfreich's video

Asklepios by Timber, excerpt from Saal frei #15

"Hi, and thanks for the Link! A Question To Timber: which electronic "Looping Equipment" do you use? I am planning to use it on my Overtone-chanting together with a HANG soon , but there is too much Equipement out there, mostly only really…"
Apr 4, 2021

Profile Information

About me:
I am an early pensionate Computer Technician, my hobbies are
overtone singing /chanting ,joining groups on local GOA Festivals (long ago) and singing with them in any kind which harmonizes,reading, all old religious belief systems,L.O.A.,HemiSync, snorcheling(diving in Greece 2006), brainmechanics and induction of Alpha,Theta,Delta states of the mind by overtonesinging,music,rhythm,trancedancing and all other methods" to get into kind of "flow".... If you know some more ,good working ones ,come on - and tell me !! You are welcome ! (Since Covid 19 my Frankurt based regular Overtone-singing Group paused) So for now i am experimenting privately with Overtones & electronic Synth & HANG-sounds which might fit to Overtone-singing ,as my new hobby -extension.
As a band we are:
singing bowl, mouth harp, shruti box, HANG, some small percussions
mostly mongolian, ethno, hemisync, but also getting into psytrance ,

Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 9:18am on May 26, 2011, Albi Wethli said…
Tengri wird Deine Leben in gute Hände legen - sei gegrüsst vom Zürisee - Albi
At 6:35pm on August 19, 2009, Jens Mügge said…
Hallo Norbert,

wie es ausschaut, muss ich doch in Berlin bleiben.
Ich wünsch Euch wirklich gutes Gelingen und viel Freude.

At 6:09pm on August 18, 2009, Arjopa said…
Lieber Norbert !!
Herzlichen Dank für Deine OMN-Freundschaft!!
Dein Mongoleifest ist echt interessant - da würden wir mit unserem Tuva-Sound & Khoomei Kehlgesangs Folk Punk nächstes Jahr bestimmt gut reinpassen!!

Booking über: www.arjopa.com

Beste Grüße aus Berlin!!

Arjopa & The Master U-like

At 5:09pm on August 3, 2009, Jens Mügge said…
Namasté and welcome, Norbert!
At 9:40am on August 3, 2009, Marco Tonini said…
Hi Norbert,
welcome on OMN!
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"Improvised concert in a Graveyard in Gräfelfing by Munich 2018 Ludger Bartels and me we love overtones :)"
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Jul 17
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Obertonkonzert zum Sommerbeginn at Evangelische Kirche

June 8, 2024 from 7pm to 8:30pm
Jun 1

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