Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Dieter Wienand
  • Male
  • Cologne / Köln
  • Germany

Dieter Wienand's Connections

  • Marco Trochelmann
  • André Knöfel
  • Arjopa
  • riccardo misto
  • Christian Noçon
  • Peter Stein
  • Ballog
  • Anthar Kharana
  • Werner Worschech
  • Peter Bayreuther
  • Christian Bollmann
  • Felix Mönnich
  • Wolfgang Saus
  • Kolja Simon
  • Baird Hersey

singen wie im himmel

Latest Activity

Dieter Wienand is now in contact with Marco Trochelmann
May 13, 2019

Profile Information

About me:
I am Dieter Wienand, living near Cologne, born in 1959, January 3 rd in Siegen/Germany, musician and mystical. I´m inviting everyone to sing and to express himself in his voice, because voice is a mirror of ourselves. As a young man I studied Christian protestant theology. But today I share a quit wider spiritual horizon, like the Sufis, saying: "There are many lamps but only one light.« I also think about religions : »Religion separates, spirituality unites.« In the age of 18, I had the grace to receive a mystical experience. It changed my life totally. I thought, I had to study theology, but I had to study myself. I´m listening to the mystic call in music and try to be a companion on the pilgrimage to find the Goddess in our hearts. Once I studied the piano as a child, I shared my love to music as a teacher about 20 years, discovering singing in 1990 and overtone singing in 2000.Now, I give concerts and workshops in singing all over Europe. Where I am, I´m on looking for exceptional, good sounding and holy rooms for singing. As a baritone I´m a member in the overtone Choir of Dusseldorf since 2003.In 2004 and 2005 I organized the cologne overtone-singing festivals. 2008 we founded the choir »singing like it is in heaven« in Cologne and Berlin.
I published 4 CD´s: "TranZenDance" (2000), "Music for meditation Vol.1" (2003), "Tabla meets overtone "(2007), "The Desert Call", Music for overtone singing, fujara and didgeridoo (2008)
As a band we are:
member of Obertonchor Christian Bollmann
founder of the »Singen wie im Himmel Chor« -
»singing like it is in heaven choir«
voc, git, piano, drums
Roberto Laneri, Eric Clapton,
Georg Holtbernd,Bryan Adams,
Christian Bollmann, Hosoo,
Rolling Stones,Hein Braad,
Keith Jarrett

Dieter Wienand's Photos

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 12:07pm on December 11, 2009, Pedro ESPI-SANCHIS said…
Hello Dieter
I posted an event regarding performances by Madosini an African mistress of musical bows in the KlangKosmos festival in your part of the world. Contact them for the program. She is a member of overtone. Hope you can make it.
Ciao Pedro 015772394233
At 7:50pm on February 4, 2009, Arjopa said…
Hallo lieber Dieter!!
Herzlichen Dank für Deine Freundschaft,hier!!
Deine Mukke ist echt toll!!

Hoffen, daß Dir auch unser Khoomei Kehlgesangs Country Punk gut gefällt!!

Beste Grüße aus Berlin!!

Arjopa & The Master U-like

At 1:34pm on May 15, 2008, Jens Mügge said…
Hallo Dieter,
ich freue mich auf dein Konzert jetzt am Sonntag im Ökowerk.
Bis dann,
At 11:33am on April 29, 2008, Werner Worschech said…
Lieber Dieter,
schön und gut, daß es Dich gibt!!! Wir sollten mit unserem O-M-I-Projekt unbedingt weiter machen!!!
Herzliche Grüße, auf bald,
At 10:53pm on March 30, 2008, Miroslav Grosser said…
Hallo Dieter, ich finde es wird langsam Zeit, dass wir uns mal treffen. dies hier ist immerhin schon mal ein Anfang. Hast Du eine Idee, wann es passen könnte. Ich lade Dich hiermit als Gast zu meiner offenen Gruppe Stimme in Bewegung ein, da könntest Du einen Teil meiner Stimm-Arbeit kennen lernen. Näheres auf meiner Webseite unter Angebote-offene Gruppe. Mit klangvollen Grüßen Miroslav
At 1:38pm on March 28, 2008, Christian Bollmann said…
Herzlich willkommen im Feld.
Ich freu mich auf unser nächstes Treffen im Mai
Alles Liebe
At 12:17pm on March 28, 2008, Kolja Simon said…
Aloha lieber Zimmergenosse! In Freiheit und Mehrstimmigkeit... und Allem, was Dich auf Deinem Weg unterstützt Kolja!

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Latest Activity

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