Just released “7 Spirituelle Lieder”, (7 spiritual songs) in overtone harmonics to sing along with the audience in the veine of the ancient Indian Bhajan songs ...
Bio: Peter Bayreuther, born 12.2.1955 in Minden/Westfalia in the West/North of Germany. Father Ernst teacher for the arts and pianist, Mother Gisela, studied history of the arts, viola player.
His second name stems from his ancestors, who emigrated 300 years ago from the town Bayreuth in the South of Germany, known for Bayreuther Festspiele, the festival of Richard Wagner’s music.
When Little Peter learned of German history, he decided to take the worldwide known German composers Bach, Mozart and Beethoven as role models and set a personal contribution and symbol of peace for the world.
At the age of 7 he started to learn the violin and performed as a youngster at the Mindener Stadtheater a violin concerto of Johann Sebastian Bach.
At the age of 18 he started to study music, German and history at the University of Münster and spent 18 month in England in community projects instead of military service. He finished his studies summa cum laude in 1978.
He directed a union’s choir with rock band in Münster and taught Music at the University of Oldenburg, the College for Social work in Bielefeld and the Kulturzentrum Wilde Rose, Melle where in 1984 he got to know his life partner Karin , a singer, actor, dancer and poet.
Peter and Karin developed a very fruitful artistic relationship: they wrote together about 200 songs, published 8 CDs and founded projects together like Wawaphonie, Herz zu Herz, Erotik in Lila, Erotik im Herztakt, Heart:Heart, KinderVomUniversum (children of the universe), Chakra, Szenen einer wilden Ehe (scenes of a wild marriage), 12 Kinderlieder aus der Steptanzpyramide (12 children songs from the tap dance pyramid). They appeared on TV and radio, toured all over Germany and down to Chicago, Bangkok, Hollywood and Liverpool, where Peter initiated at the Cavern Club in 2001 the European innovative music festival Lovegeist. BBC Liverpool aired their song “Castle of my Soul”.
Peter founded 1984 the E.I.S. Erstes Improvisierendes Steichorchester (First Improvising String Orchestra), 20 violins, celli and double basses with new improvisational music concepts and compositions from him like “Liebesleid” and “Lustig”. These two pieces were hits from the first time the orchestra performed them and are still played today by the E.I.S.
This unusual orchestra was enthusiastically received and more than 200 hundred concerts followed in Germany and Switzerland. Highlight of TV presence: Bio’s Bahnhof on best broadcasting slot 20.15h nationwide with the famous host Alred Biolek.
1988 founding of the music performance duo Brain&Body, Peter doing the body music: violin, singing and tap-dance, music professor Wolfgang Martin Stroh electronic beats.
1989 Peter starts to study overtone singing with Michael Vetter – nowadays he has added the Mongolian style of Hossoo to his repertoire too. He studied the principals of overtone harmonics and let them influence his compositional work.
In the nineties lots of releases of CDs:
Multidimensional Reality, Chakra Journey, Abfahrt Freihalten, Perlen vor die Säue, Castle of my Soul, Die andere Zeit: a unique style of artistic rock music with world- and Jazz elements is evolving…
In spring 2003 Peter released his first solo album ACCEPTANCE, in May 03 the first Peter Bayreuther fan club was founded by enthusiastic Youngsters
In July 03 Peter gave a long interview at Radio Aktiv/Hameln. In Aug 03 he played the Schüttorf Open Air with great success and made international Contacts at Popkomm/Cologne. In 2004 he is founding his own world music orchestra: a stunning live program is available: his own songs with his own voice in an intriguing artful and entertaining live show, with a bunch of great musicians! Peter Bayreuther & his World Music Orchestra
In 2005 he played in his home town Melle a concert every week in a socially deprived area around the station and gained a big fan community from all ages, professions and ethnical backgrounds! Peter is able to bring his concept of the Helden der Liebe (Hero of Love) across, to encourage his audience to accept, appreciate and love themselves and so develop the courage and ability to love others…
This weekly concert series was performed for nearly two years!
On April 12, 2006 Peter and Karin got married, after 22 years of being lovers and artist colleagues to confirm their lifelong strong love for each other; there was a great wedding party with lots of live-music!
In spring 2007 the new album “violin 9 sisters” was released. Subject are nine aspects of our personality in a modern interpretation of the 9 muses myth by Kris/Toronto.
For May, 26th Alte Stadthalle, he composed a night long serenade for E.I.S.Stringorchestra, children tap dancer and Tekkno-Dj with the title “Peter Pan”: the wild, magic inner child…
The rock band TRANS4MATION was founded by Josef A.Balcar (6stringBass), with Peter on Violin, Karin singing, and Daniel Rudka, drums. In Aug 2007 their first live-Album appeared, and made great Impression on the Krautrock-community!
In December 2007: Om Tara – a new band with Indian music: sitar, tabla and Peter on violin: it felt like coming home, the inner sweetness of the ancient Vedic tradition – the violin in playful interaction with sitar. 3 Live-Albums available: “Ekstase des Herzens”, “Mut des Schmetterlings” and “Liebe ist der Weg” .
In January 2008 his Mother Gisela is moving in at his place and inspired by his dear mother Peter records his new album in his own studio “7 Spirituelle Lieder”, German Bhajan-songs to sing along – the yoga and new age community is welcoming Peter Bayreuther to expand their beneficial influence for the people in Germany and all over the world…
April 2008: Peter again teaching at the University of Oldenburg: Jazz- and Rock improvisation for violin, big applause for Brain&Body live in concert.
Summer 2008: the new album of Trans4mation to be expected…
hallo peter,
danke für deine einladung .
sorry für die späte rückmeldung. ich komme gerade von einem wochenendworkshop zurückund habe soeben erst deine nachricht erhalten. ich hoffe ihr hattet alle viel spass und einen freud-vollen sonn-tag.
hoffentlich klappt es beim nächsten mal ;-)
sonnige grüsse
hallo peter,
hab grad erst deine einladung gelesen, schade! hoffe, ihr hattet dennoch großen spaß! denke wir sehen uns spätestens im sommer.
klangvolle grüße (auch an deine familie),
Hallo lieber Peter!!
Herzlichen Dank für Deinen netten Kommentar!!
Deine Mukke ist echt Super!!
Wie Du ja sicher schon gemerkt hast, hat sich seit meinem kleinen Lehrbuch ne Menge getan, vor allem seitdem wir unsere Zelte in Tuva aufgeschlagen haben,
Hoffen, daß Dir unser Khoomei Kehlgesangs Country Punk gut gefällt!!
Hallo Peter, - hier findest du noch eine gute Möglichkeit, deine Musik zu promoten. Bis demnächst - hoffentlich nicht im cyberspace. Liebe Grüße auch an Karin,
dein Jens
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
Am 28. November diesen Jahres (2024) begab sich der Tönerkreis München am Nordfriedhof hinunter in die historische Kanalwelt der bayerischen Metropole. Organ...
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deine Komposition DasHerzIstMeinKompass ist wirklich sehr ermutigend ! Danke dafür ...
Liebe Grüße,
Hi Peter. Your life is very interesting :-) Your wife Karin sings with you ?
I like your music, thanks :-)
Hugs from Spain.
schöne Grüße,
Beste Grüße aus Hannover-Linden
danke für deine einladung .
sorry für die späte rückmeldung. ich komme gerade von einem wochenendworkshop zurückund habe soeben erst deine nachricht erhalten. ich hoffe ihr hattet alle viel spass und einen freud-vollen sonn-tag.
hoffentlich klappt es beim nächsten mal ;-)
sonnige grüsse
hab grad erst deine einladung gelesen, schade! hoffe, ihr hattet dennoch großen spaß! denke wir sehen uns spätestens im sommer.
klangvolle grüße (auch an deine familie),
Greetings, Jens
Herzlichen Dank für Deinen netten Kommentar!!
Deine Mukke ist echt Super!!
Wie Du ja sicher schon gemerkt hast, hat sich seit meinem kleinen Lehrbuch ne Menge getan, vor allem seitdem wir unsere Zelte in Tuva aufgeschlagen haben,
Hoffen, daß Dir unser Khoomei Kehlgesangs Country Punk gut gefällt!!
Beste Grüße aus Berlin!!
Arjopa & The Master U-like
dein Jens
Dort live zu musizieren ist eine gute Idee, hätte nichts dagegen.
bis dann,
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