Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Andreas Stahel
  • Winterthur
  • Switzerland
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Andreas Stahel's Connections

  • OCO
  • Thomas Bertolf
  • wolfman
  • Arjopa
  • Antonio Enzan Olías
  • Sukadev Bretz
  • Willi Grimm
  • Roderick Zeig
  • Danibal
  • Marco Tonini
  • Lothar Berger
  • Jan Heinke
  • Stuart Hinds
  • Wolfgang Saus
  • Chris Amrhein

Andreas Stahel's page

Profile Information

voice, flute, bassflute, contrabassflute

Comment Wall (14 comments)

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At 4:50pm on January 29, 2011, Thomas Bertolf said…

**  HELIX **

Eine Klangreise einer besonderen Art im Pfalzkeller  St. Gallen

Vielen Dank an Andreas, Roger, Jean-Daniel, Tobias -- Helix --

At 11:00pm on January 11, 2011, Thomas Bertolf said…
Bis blad in St. Gallen und ich freue mich auf HELIX.
Gruss Tommy
At 6:00pm on November 22, 2010, Ayla Roble said…
I love you your "Soft Trance I" :o) .... thanks a lot !!! :O)
At 11:21am on October 26, 2009, wolfman said…

lieber andreas,

danke für deine freundschaft hier im omn-space. ich wünsche dir und deinen lieben alles gute. die oktave (bild oben) soll dir energie und kreativität senden.

mit schwingenden und musikalischen grüßen

At 7:16pm on January 10, 2009, Arjopa said…
Lieber Andreas!!
Herzlichen Dank für Deine Freundschaft hier!!
Deine (Contrabaßflöten-) Musik ist wirklich wunder bar!!

Hoffen Daß Die auch unser Khoomei Kehlgesangs Country Punk gut gefällt!!

Beste Grüße aus Berlin!!

Arjopa & The Master U-like
At 2:48pm on November 17, 2008, Antonio Enzan Olías said…
Hallo Andreas,

Long time ago without see you. Thanks for the add. I hope to play again with you someday. I upload some mp3 and videos in my overtone-network page, I hope you enjoy them.

Best Wishes,
At 10:53am on June 30, 2008, Marco Tonini said…
Hi Andreas,
I went in Winterthur with my opera choir for a concert in the theatre, two or three years ago. Very nice city!
Next time we meet.
At 1:12pm on May 17, 2008, Willi Grimm said…
...gestern das Konzert in Bern, perfekter Atem-Rhythmus-Groove and-so-on-and-so-on-and-so-on-and-so-on-and-so-on-and-so-on-and-so-on-and-so-on-and-so-on-and-so-on-and-so-on-and-so-on
At 5:21pm on April 28, 2008, Stuart Hinds said…
I am planning a trip to Germany and Czech Republic for August 2008. I would love to see you if possible while I am there. My current plans are to be in Prague 10-14.08, Aachen from 15-18.08, and Augsburg (Munich) on 19-20.08. I can still visit other places in the week or so before Prague. Please let me know soon if you are interested in arranging for me to come to your area at that time. I hope to be able to see you when I am in Europe this August. Thanks!!! Sh
At 3:04pm on April 19, 2008,
Jan Heinke
lieber andreas,
schön dich hier wiederzutreffen. denke gern zurück an unser konzert im letzten jahr und hoffe auf weitere gelegenheiten, wann auch immer. hoffe es geht dir gut. gib mal ein zeichen.

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