55 members
There are places with special energies, often anciently used as cult places or for healing. Accupunctural points of our planet. Some of these places have rooms with a very special sound or resonance tones, inviting to celebrate and go in resonance.
102 members
There are many ways to produce vocal overtones. It depends by the structure of our vocal tract - tongue, cavities, ... - and our sensitiveness. We could explain our technique here.
56 members
Here we can share our expectations, opinions and knowledge about art, culture and overtone music - and more than this - in German.
48 members
This group is created in the aim of gathering all peoples the world over to share knowledge, experiences, musical creations with the Jew's harp.
54 members
Software for sonograms, spectrograms, formants, overtones manipulation. How is important the electronic process in your music?
42 members
We want to create an OMN Showcase about our artistic works. People in the world will be able to download our virtual CD, with cover package, for free.
17 members
for all who are interested in discussing the spiritual dimension of sounds as a path to inner rooms and altered states of consciousness
66 members
Official Cooperation Partner of OMN. Woodroot music.web.radio is an internetradio for the new natural music of Europe in the great family of worldmusic.
25 members
This is the group for overtone singing in punkrock, techno, daring experiments and crazy shit. Bizarre behaviour and strange stories of overtoners? This is the place to share and enjoy! ...yes, it´s me in the picture.
25 members
The Fujara New's Group
21 members
The aim of this group is that we want our share opinions about overtone singing and "new music" situation in Italy - just in italian language.
14 members
Med svirrende svingfjer og halsene strakt til sang flyver fem svaner (+ Åland, Grønland & Færøerne) på opdagelse i overtonernes univers. Sigtet er som OMN's overordnede, men sproget skandinavisk og fokus på nordiske temaer og begivenheder.
31 members
Artists/musicians of this group are not associated with a Society for musical performing and mechanical reproduction rights like ASCAP, GEMA or other societies. Their music is protected by Creative Common licence or other agreements
8 members
In this group you can post any location that presents Overtone Music or that would like to present Overtone music. If you are looking for a location in a special area for example because you are planing a tour ask around in here it might help.
26 members
Let us discuss which overtone numbering system would be the best to agree on. Which numbering system for overtones would You recommend to become an international "ISO-standard" ?
4 members
OMN Video Project is a group to call artists and musician of OMN if they wanna be presented with their work in a video clip
6 members
11 members
Česko-Slovenská alikvotně-diskuzní skupina na OMN. ENG: Czecho-Slovakian overtone-discussion group on OMN.