Arjopa posted a video

Out in the Woods

#throatsinging #campanula #longsong #lyrics by #arjopa #throatsinger #voiceshaman #musicshaman
Geo Goidaci posted a status
"Improvised concert in a Graveyard in Gräfelfing by Munich 2018 Ludger Bartels and me we love overtones :)"
Jul 17
Geo Goidaci posted a status
Jul 17
Jens Mügge commented on Arjopa's video

Arjopa - Live

"Dear Arjopa, thanks for your message via Email. It seems that you can login in to OMN :D - yes, and thanks for new video. Great stuff!"
Jul 17
Arjopa commented on Arjopa's video

Arjopa - Live

"Since the early 1990s, Arjopa has been trained in Tuva by well-known Tuvan Khoomei masters such as Gendos Chamzyryn, Mogün-ool & Kongar-ool Ondar & Albert Kuvezin (Yat-Kha). They…"
Jul 16
Arjopa posted a video

Arjopa - Live

Bereits seit Anfang der 90er Jahre wurde Arjopa von namhaften tuvinischen Khoomei-Meistern wie Gendos Chamzyryn, Mogün-ool & Kongar-ool Ondar & Albert Kuve...
Jul 16
Thomas Mörth posted videos
Jul 15
papajeahja Sandy Kühn updated their profile
Jul 15
Jens Mügge posted a blog post

17. Anniversary of OMN

Hi there,I hope you are fine and everything will goes on.Today I write you a short message, that on 14th July 2024 is the 17.…See More
Jul 13
Andreas Eder posted a video

Farbklänge, Obertöne beim Orgelstimmen

Während meines Besuches der Kathedrale von Chartres im Juni 2024 wurde gerade ein Register der neuen Orgel gestimmt, die bis 2025 fertiggestellt sein soll. I...
Jul 9