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Jew's Harp of the World


Jew's Harp of the World

This group is created in the aim of gathering all peoples the world over to share knowledge, experiences, musical creations with the Jew's harp.

Members: 48
Latest Activity: Sep 28, 2022

Jew's Harp of the World - Welcome

Tran Quang Hai

Dear all Lovers of the Jew's Harp, this group is created in the aim of gathering all peoples the world over to share knowledge, experiences, musical creations with the Jew's harp. Hoping that you will join this group to inform us all activities (workshops, concerts, festivals, personal news) and to make this place interesting and fascinating about the Jew's harp.
Welcome to all of you

Tran Quang Hai

Discussion Forum

Jew's harp community on Google+

Hi all,I set up a community on Google+ for Jew's harp enthusiasts: TwangersOnly a few members so far, and the…Continue

Started by Chuck Falzone May 21, 2013.

Kou Xiang - ToTem

My new ToTem Kou Xiang (its raw - not ready yet :) )Continue

Started by Damian Vargan Mar 4, 2012.

DAN MOI - making 5 Replies

Well it was much harder that I thought it will be :) But it sure succeed :DI have quite…Continue

Started by Damian Vargan. Last reply by Damian Vargan Feb 27, 2012.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Jens Mügge on September 29, 2010 at 3:58pm
привет Aksenty -

Добро пожаловать в эту группу- welcome to this group by Tran Quang Hai. Оставайтесь с нами - stay tuned,


Comment by Tran Quang Hai on May 29, 2009 at 10:32am
Hi Gongman ! welcome to Jew's Harp of the World . Hope to have your participation and performance .
Comment by Jens Mügge on March 13, 2009 at 8:19am
Hi Keith ... welcome!
Comment by Keith Garvin on March 13, 2009 at 12:19am
Hi everyone, I just became a member and I'm very excited about about all the new information that is now available for me. I'll be uploading some of my music soon......thanks
Comment by Jens Mügge on July 10, 2008 at 7:23am
Welcome Rebanta! here you will find so much good and wellknown informations about mouth harps. Tran Quang Hai is really one of the best because he share all his knowledge in the world wide web and he is really a good fellow for all of us!
Comment by RKiT (Tamas Arki) on April 29, 2008 at 6:42pm
Hello everyone, just popping in to tell I've uploaded a new song of mine called 'Lotus Dub' - some electronic dub stuff with a Szilágyi Jew's Harp. (Model: Tibet) Have a listen of you like.
Tamas (RKiT)

Comment by Tran Quang Hai on April 27, 2008 at 11:26pm
Dear Jenska,
If you have time , I am sure that you will find interesting articles I have posted here .
tran quang hai
Comment by Jens Mügge on April 27, 2008 at 10:12am
Dear Tran Quang Hai, it is so wonderful for me to be a member of your group »jew's harp of the world« - hope to find time to read all your postings in the discussion forum.
Cheers - Jenska
Comment by RKiT (Tamas Arki) on April 23, 2008 at 11:42pm
Thank You for the response, I'll certainly read the articles, for now I have questions concerning organizations dealing with the jew's harp. I know about The Jew's Harp Guild in the USA but aren't there such societies in Europe. How could I be a member of one?

All the best, Tamas

Comment by Tran Quang Hai on April 23, 2008 at 11:31pm
Dear Tamas,
I am happy that you are here to discover many aspects of the Jew's harp . I have posted some articles about historical background, origins of the Jew's harp, some videos, etc...
If you want to know any thing about the Jew's harp, just put your questions here .
tran quang hai

Members (48)


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