Overtone Music Network

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I'm looking for news about old performances about Stimmung - Stockhausen.
If you were a performer on Stimmung, or a researcher about it, if you know secret details, if you spoke with Stockhausen, please contact me or insert a comment here.
I must manage a Stimmung performance in Italy so I must have more news as possible.

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Ciao Marco, have you contact Christian Bollmann and Michael Vetter? Both were - what I know - vocalist of this composition. You have read the wikipedia article about Stimmung?
Thanks Jens,
I knew about Bollman and Vetter.
The most complete news is this:

If you have read this essay which is mentioned in the wikipedia article you also know this article Maybe you add your request in the net new music forum too ... - but maybe Christian can tell you something personal ... just maybe. - Bye
Wonderful to read and see how they are working and discussing on net new music.
Thanks Jen, I have mentioned you there.
I checked it just now: maybe Jill Purce can give your more informations ...
Maybe I can serve with some information. I've done some little research on Stimmung, I've got the scores here, my former wife was a member of Wolfgang Fromme's ensemble Collegium Vocale Köln. I can introduce you to her. She performed Stimmung several times with Stockhausen pushing the EQ buttons. Recently I was contacted by a singer from Germany who wants to reperform it in cooperation with Stockhausen-Stiftung soon. I can connect you as well if you like.
Send me a private E-Mail if you'r interested.

Here are some web links I collected for the singer who contacted me:

Karlheinz Stockhausen Official Website - Stockhausen.org. URL http://www.stockhausen.org/. - abgerufen 2009-02-3

Karlheinz Stockhausen - Edition No.12: Stimmung. URL http://home.swipnet.se/sonoloco2/Rec/Stockhausen/12.html. - abgerufen 2009-01-27

Universal Edition Musikverlag. URL http://www.universaledition-shop.com/shop/en_UK/1/show,97550.html. - abgerufen 2009-01-27

Universal Edition Musikverlag. URL http://www.universaledition-shop.com/shop/en_UK/1/show,97526.html.

Stimmung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. URL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stimmung.

Breaking the Rules: The Printed Face of the European Avant Garde 1900 - 1937 - Events (November 2007). URL http://www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/features/breakingtherules/events.htm.... - abgerufen 2009-01-27

The Magic of Stockhausen's 'Stimmung' - WSJ.com. URL http://online.wsj.com/public/article_print/SB119024371013133058.html. - abgerufen 2009-01-27

Stimmung: The compositional process. URL http://homepage.eircom.net/~braddellr/stock/index.htm. - abgerufen 2009-01-27

Stockhausen, K.: Stimmung Nr. 24, für 6 Vokalsolisten SSATTB : Universal Edition Musikverlag, 1967 – ISBN 978-3-7024-4582-9

Stockhausen, K.: Stimmung "Pariser Version", Nr. 24 1/2, für 6 Vokalsolisten SSATTB : Universal Edition Musikverlag, 1968 – ISBN 978-3-7024-4555-3
Thanks Wolfgang,
I knew about some links...
Now I contact you.
Thanks Jens. ;~[)
... because Jill lived and worked in Germany with the composer Karlheinz Stockhausen investigating the spiritual dimension of music between 1971-74.
I've written a short paper on the difference between Stockhausen's vowel overtones in Stimmung and overtone singing techniques. It's unpublished yet and in German. If you're interested I'll send it. If you can wait I can probably serve you with an english translation soon.


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