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Trailer "Raum Klang Stimme - Auf der Suche nach dem Ursprung der Obertöne", eine Filmdokumentation über Obertongesang und Harmonikalen.

Sie können diese DVD über meine Website bestellen www.ming-art.net oder per email an dvd[at]ming-art.net

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Comment by Steve Sklar on December 11, 2009 at 1:29am
Hmm... looks interesting.
Comment by Jens Mügge on December 13, 2009 at 9:45am
It's interesting. The DVD is available in English and German. Here is the english version I had the chance to speak with Ming about this movie and said him that I missed some musicians and researcher in his documentation. But it is like it is. Each project has a limited budget ... that's one reason there are no interviews with other tuvian and mongolian throatsinger, no interviews with buddhist monks and ... mostly it is a quest for the origin of harmonics in Europe. Good to know how important were the old greek philosopher ... and yes, there is one unique scene in this movie where David Hykes, Wolfgang Saus and Danny Wetzels chanting harmonics in Aachen. One highlight in this document. We need more of this kind of works for and in the future ...


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