Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Overtone Singing / Obertongesang: Chris Amrhein im Heilstollen Berchtesgaden

Chris Amrhein, Obertongesang " Klangreise-DVD" in Vorbereitung. Aufgenommen im Salzheilstollen in Berchtesgaden.
Regie und Produktion: Frederik Hettich

Chris Amrhein is one of the world's leading singers on the vocal art of overtone singing. He is an accomplished musician, performing artist, teacher and a singing healer.

He has studying for many years music and vocal music at the Mozarteum University Salzburg / Austria.

This video was live filmed and sound recorded in the salt mine Berchtesgaden Germany.
Directed by Frederik Hettich, Munich Germany

This content has been seen 182 times

Comment by Galina Parfenova on March 3, 2009 at 8:54pm
It is style very close to me. I would like to visit this place.
Thank, Chris!


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